<h3>Institution expiry date</h3>
<p>If you specify an expiry date for this institution, two things will happen. Once the <em>warning time for institution expiry</em> has been reached site and institutional administrators will be emailed about this institutions impending expiry.</p>
<p>If the <em>auto-suspend expired institutions</em> option is set, then once the expiry date has been reached, this institution will be automatically suspended, and users of this institution will no longer be able to log in.</p>
<p>The <em>warning time for institution expiry</em> and <em>auto-suspend expired institutions</em> options can be found on the site options administration page.</p>
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Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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<h3>Institution expiry date</h3>
<p>The Institution's expiry date is the date that the institution will be suspended on and users from this institution won't be able to login until the institution is unsuspended.</p>
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<h3>Locked fields</h3>
<p>Each Institution can configure which user profile fields are locked from editing by the account owner. Examples of fields that might be locked for security and accurate identification purposes are First Name, Last Name and Student ID.</p>
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Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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<h3>Institution name</h3>
<p>The Institution name is entered for system database identification only and must be a single text word without numbers or symbols.</p>
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<h3>Registration allowed?</h3>
<p>If this setting is enabled, users will be able to register for the site using the registration form.</p>
<p>If more than one institution has this setting enabled, the user will be able to choose which institution they wish to register for using a dropdown.</p>
<p>If no institutions have this setting enabled, then users will not be able to register using the registration form.</p>
<p>In general, if you have users set up to join this institution through a mechanism such as LDAP login or SSO from an external application, you should turn this setting off. You should also turn it off if you wish to control the creation of accounts using the <a href="add.php" target="_blank">Add User</a> or <a href="uploadcsv.php" target="_blank">Add Users By CSV</a> pages.</p>
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<p>一般的に、あなたがLDAPログインまたは外部アプリケーションのSSOメカニズム経由でこのインスティテューションへのユーザ登録を設定した場合、この設定を無効にしてください。同じく、あなたが「<a href="add.php" target="_blank">ユーザを追加する</a>」または「<a href="uploadcsv.php" target="_blank">CSVでユーザを追加する</a>」ページを使用してアカウント作成をコントロールしたい場合、この設定を無効にしてください。</p>
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Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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<p>The theme that users who are logged in and members of this institution will see. If <strong>Site Default</strong> is selected, when a site administrator changes the site default theme, the theme for the users of this institution will change too.</p>
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Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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<p>Your password must total at least six characters. It must contain at least one number, and at least two letters. Passwords are case sensitive, and must be different from your username.</p>
<p><strong>Warning:</strong> For security reasons, please do not disclose your password to any user, including the site administrator.</p>
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<p><strong>警告:</strong> セキュリティ上の理由から、あなたのパスワードをサイト管理者も含めて、他の人に公表しないでください。</p>
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Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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<p>Your username must be between 3 and 30 characters long, and will not be case sensitive. Letters, numbers and most standard symbols are allowed.</p>
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<h3>Allow public profiles</h3>
<p>If you wish to allow users to make their profile page accessible to the public, this option should be set to 'yes'. Even if public, only logged in users can use interactive features such as the wall.</p>
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Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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<h3>Allow public pages</h3>
<p>If you wish to allow users to create pages that may be made accessible to the public, this option should be set to 'yes'. Public pages are still only editable by their owner.</p>
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Translated by
Mitsuhiro Yoshida
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