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<p>You can add tags to pages you create. Tags are labels or keywords that you can use to classify and search for pages.</p>
<p>Clicking on <strong>Show my tags</strong> will generate a list of the tags you have previously used and the number of items they have been applied to. Clicking on a tag in this list will add it to the tags for this page, or remove it if you have already tagged the page with this tag.</p>
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Translated by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in lang/en.utf8/help/forms/editview.tags.html
<h3>Authentication plugin</h3>
<p>Here you can choose how users in this institution will authenticate to the site. Institutions should have at least one method of authentication tied to them.</p>
<p>The <strong>internal</strong> authentication plugin checks the site database for usernames/paswords. Users have to have an account for this to work, which can be done by allowing registration via the registration form, or using the <a href="add.php" target="_blank">Add User</a> or <a href="uploadcsv.php" target="_blank">Add Users by CSV</a> screens.</p>
<p>The <strong>none</strong> authentication method allows anyone in. Users can pick any username and password. This should only be used for testing!</p>
<p>The other authentication methods generally authenticate against an external source, such as an LDAP server or remote application. They have their own settings, which you can configure in a popup window when you add them.</p>
<p>One setting they normally share is whether accounts can be automatically created in Mahara when a user signs in for the first time (as opposed to accounts being created previously by the admin user, which users can then log in to).</p>
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<p><strong>内部</strong> 認証プラグインでは、ユーザ/パスワードに関してサイトデータベースをチェックします。この認証に適合させるためユーザは登録フォーム経由のユーザ登録、または「a href="add.php" target="_blank">ユーザを追加する</a>」または「<a href="uploadcsv.php" target="_blank">CSVでユーザを追加する</a>」ページでアカウントが登録されている必要があります。</p>
<p><strong>なし</strong> 認証方法では、誰でもサイトに入ることができます。ユーザは、どのようなユーザ名、パスワードでも使用できます。この方法は、テストのみに使用してください!</p>
<p>ユーザの最初のログイン時、Mahara内でユーザアカウントが自動的に作成されるかどうかで通常1つの設定が割り当てられます (反対に、管理者によりアカウントが事前作成された場合、ユーザは、そのままログインできます)。</p>
Translated by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in lang/en.utf8/help/forms/institution.authplugin.html
<h3>Default membership period</h3>
<p>You can set how long users will remain associated with this instituion. After this length of time, the users will be removed from the institution.</p>
<p>Users will receive an e-mail before this time reminding them that they will be removed soon.</p>
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Translated by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in lang/en.utf8/help/forms/institution.defaultmembershipperiod.html
<h3>Institution display name</h3>
<p>The Institution’s display name is the name that all users will see throughout the system for the institution.</p>
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Translated by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in lang/en.utf8/help/forms/institution.displayname.html
<h3>Institution expiry date</h3>
<p>If you specify an expiry date for this institution, two things will happen. Once the <em>warning time for institution expiry</em> has been reached site and institutional administrators will be emailed about this institutions impending expiry.</p>
<p>If the <em>auto-suspend expired institutions</em> option is set, then once the expiry date has been reached, this institution will be automatically suspended, and users of this institution will no longer be able to log in.</p>
<p>The <em>warning time for institution expiry</em> and <em>auto-suspend expired institutions</em> options can be found on the site options administration page.</p>

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Translated by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in lang/en.utf8/help/forms/institution.expiry.html
<h3>Institution expiry date</h3>
<p>The Institution's expiry date is the date that the institution will be suspended on and users from this institution won't be able to login until the institution is unsuspended.</p>
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Translated by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in lang/en.utf8/help/forms/institution.institutionexpiry.html
<h3>Locked fields</h3>
<p>Each Institution can configure which user profile fields are locked from editing by the account owner. Examples of fields that might be locked for security and accurate identification purposes are First Name, Last Name and Student ID.</p>
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Translated by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in lang/en.utf8/help/forms/institution.lockedfields.html
<h3>Institution name</h3>
<p>The Institution name is entered for system database identification only and must be a single text word without numbers or symbols.</p>
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Translated by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in lang/en.utf8/help/forms/
<h3>Registration allowed?</h3>
<p>If this setting is enabled, users will be able to register for the site using the registration form.</p>
<p>If more than one institution has this setting enabled, the user will be able to choose which institution they wish to register for using a dropdown.</p>
<p>If no institutions have this setting enabled, then users will not be able to register using the registration form.</p>
<p>In general, if you have users set up to join this institution through a mechanism such as LDAP login or SSO from an external application, you should turn this setting off. You should also turn it off if you wish to control the creation of accounts using the <a href="add.php" target="_blank">Add User</a> or <a href="uploadcsv.php" target="_blank">Add Users By CSV</a> pages.</p>
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<p>一般的に、あなたがLDAPログインまたは外部アプリケーションのSSOメカニズム経由でこのインスティテューションへのユーザ登録を設定した場合、この設定を無効にしてください。同じく、あなたが「<a href="add.php" target="_blank">ユーザを追加する</a>」または「<a href="uploadcsv.php" target="_blank">CSVでユーザを追加する</a>」ページを使用してアカウント作成をコントロールしたい場合、この設定を無効にしてください。</p>
Translated by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in lang/en.utf8/help/forms/institution.registerallowed.html
<p>The theme that users who are logged in and members of this institution will see. If <strong>Site Default</strong> is selected, when a site administrator changes the site default theme, the theme for the users of this institution will change too.</p>
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Translated by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in lang/en.utf8/help/forms/institution.theme.html
22602269 of 3317 results

This translation is managed by Mitsuhiro Yoshida, assigned by Mahara Translation Group.

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Contributors to this translation: Mitsuhiro Yoshida.