<h3>Authentication plugin</h3>
<p>Here you can choose how users in this institution will authenticate to the site. Institutions should have at least one method of authentication tied to them.</p>
<p>The <strong>internal</strong> authentication plugin checks the site database for usernames/paswords. Users have to have an account for this to work, which can be done by allowing registration via the registration form, or using the <a href="add.php" target="_blank">Add User</a> or <a href="uploadcsv.php" target="_blank">Add Users by CSV</a> screens.</p>
<p>The <strong>none</strong> authentication method allows anyone in. Users can pick any username and password. This should only be used for testing!</p>
<p>The other authentication methods generally authenticate against an external source, such as an LDAP server or remote application. They have their own settings, which you can configure in a popup window when you add them.</p>
<p>One setting they normally share is whether accounts can be automatically created in Mahara when a user signs in for the first time (as opposed to accounts being created previously by the admin user, which users can then log in to).</p>