Browsing Japanese translation

22392248 of 3317 results
<h3>Show controls to add and remove columns when editing a page</h3>
<p>You can choose to display a row with buttons <img src="/theme/raw/static/images/btn_addcolumn_left.png" alt="add"> <img src="/theme/raw/static/images/btn_removecolumn.png" alt="remove"> in the page editor. These buttons add and remove columns from that page.</p>
<p>Even if not enabled, you can change the number of columns for your page on the Page layout section.</p>
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
<p>ページの編集時、あなたは <img src="/theme/default/static/images/btn_addcolumn_left.png" alt="追加"> <img src="/theme/default/static/images/btn_removecolumn.png" alt="削除"> ボタン行を表示するかどうか選択できます。これらのボタンによりページのカラムを追加および削除できます。</p>
Translated by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in lang/en.utf8/help/forms/accountprefs.addremovecolumns.html
<h3>Friends Control</h3>
<p>Choose whether other users may add you to their friends list. If you are added to a friends list, the owner of that list is added to your list. When you remove someone from your friends list you are also removed from their list. Choose either:</p>
<p><strong>Nobody may add me as a friend:</strong> no one may add you to their list.</p>
<p><strong>New friends require my authorisation:</strong> your authorisation is needed for you to be added to a list. If you approve, they will be added to your list.</p>
<p><strong>New friends are automatically authorised:</strong> anyone may add you to their list.</p>
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<p><strong>だれも私をフレンドとして追加できません:</strong> だれもあなたをフレンドリストに追加できません。</p>
<p><strong>新しいフレンドになるには、私の承認が必要です:</strong> あなたをフレンドリストに追加するには、あなたの承認が必要です。あなたが承認した場合、そのユーザもあなたのフレンドリストに追加されます。</p>
<p><strong>新しいフレンドは、自動的に承認されます:</strong> だれでもあなたをフレンドリストに追加できます。</p>
Translated by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in lang/en.utf8/help/forms/accountprefs.friendscontrol.html
<p>You may be able customise the language in which your menu items and contextual help will appear. Contact your site administrator if you have any questions.</p>
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Translated by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in lang/en.utf8/help/forms/accountprefs.lang.html
<p>Use this setting to stop Mahara from sending you email.</p>
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Translated by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in lang/en.utf8/help/forms/accountprefs.maildisabled.html
<h3>Messages from other users</h3>
<p>Use this setting to choose who you wish to receive messages from.</p>
<p>Use the activity preferences area to decide how you will receive these messages.</p>
<p><strong>Note:</strong> These restrictions will not apply to site administrators or teaching staff.</p>
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<p><strong>注意:</strong> これらの制限は、サイト管理者またはティーチングスタッフには適用されません。</p>
Translated by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in lang/en.utf8/help/forms/accountprefs.messages.html
<p>To change your login password, first enter your current password here, then enter your preferred new password in both the other boxes.</p>
<p>Your password must total at least six characters. It must contain at least one number, and at least two letters. Passwords are case sensitive, and must be different from your username.</p>
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Translated by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in lang/en.utf8/help/forms/accountprefs.oldpassword.html
<h3>Show information about Mahara on the home page</h3>
<p>If "On", information about Mahara and what can be done with it will be displayed on the home page, above your dashboard.</p>
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Translated by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in lang/en.utf8/help/forms/accountprefs.showhomeinfo.html
<h3>HTML Editor</h3>
<p>An HTML editor is available for use on some sections of the site. This is known as a ‘What you see is what you get’ (WYSIWYG) editor. This allows you to apply formatting to your text eg: bolded or italic text. If the editor is turned off you can only enter plain text.</p>
<p>This setting might be disabled by site admin.</p>
<p><strong>Note:</strong>HTML editors may appear and work slightly differently in some browsers.</p>
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
<p>サイト内のいくつかのセクションでは、HTMLエディタを使用できます。これは、「What you see is what you get」 (WYSIWYG) エディタとして知られています。このエディタによりあなたはテキストにフォーマットを適用できます (例 太字またはイタリックのテキスト)。HTMLエディタが無効にされた場合、あなたはプレインテキストのみ入力できます。</p>
<p><strong>注意:</strong> いくつかのブラウザでは、HTMLエディタの表示および動作に若干の違いがあります。</p>
Translated by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in lang/en.utf8/help/forms/accountprefs.wysiwyg.html
<h3>Leap2A Files</h3>
<p>This option gives you the ability to import a <a href="" target="_blank">Leap2A export file</a>, which contains data about a person's portfolio.</p>
<p>You can read more on the Mahara wiki about <a href="" target="_blank">Mahara's support for Leap2A</a>.</p>
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
<p>このオプションでは、あなたが、個人ポートフォリオデータを含む、<a href="" target="_blank">Leap2Aエクスポートファイル</a>をインポートできるようにします。
<p><a href="" target="_blank">MaharaのLeap2Aサポート</a>に関してあなたはMahara Wikiにて、詳細を閲覧できます。</p>
Translated by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in lang/en.utf8/help/forms/adduser.leap2afile.html
<h3>Group Type</h3>
<p>You can choose from a number of options which determine how other users may join your group.</p>

<h6>Open Membership</h6>
<p>Setting your group type to Open Membership will allow any user of the site to become a member simply by visiting your group page and clicking the join button.</p>

<h6>Request Membership</h6>
<p>Setting your group type to Request Membership means that any user can request to join your Group, however as owner you can choose to accept or decline this request. The requesting member will be automatically notified of your decision.</p>

<h6>Invite Only</h6>
<p>Setting your group type to Invite Only means that only users that you have sent an invite to may join your group.</p>

<h6>Controlled Membership</h6>
<p>Controlled Membership is only available to Administrators and Staff, and allows you to add and remove people from a group directly.</p>
<p>Users cannot remove themselves from a controlled group.</p>

<h4>Course Groups</h4>
<p>Course groups are a special type of group which can only be created by Administrators and Staff of the site.</p>
<p>Course groups can contain tutors as well as ordinary members. All members of course groups can submit their pages to the group for assessment by tutors. When tutors give feedback on a submitted page, they can also attach a file to the feedback which is only visible to the page's author.</p>
<p>There are two types of Course groups:</p>

<h6>Course: Request Membership</h6>
<p>Users may join the group by requesting membership, described under the Request Membership heading above.</p>

<h6>Course: Controlled Membership</h6>
<p>Controlled Membership Course groups allow group administrators to add and remove people from the group directly. Tutors can only add people to the group directly.</p>
<p>This is designed to be used for a course-based group where the membership is defined by an external system (such as an institution's enrolment system) and you wish to replicate that membership in the group.</p>
<p>Users cannot remove themselves from a controlled group.</p>
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.





<h6>コース: リクエストメンバシップ</h6>

<h6>コース: 管理メンバシップ</h6>
<p>「管理メンバシップ」は、メンバシップが外部システム (インスティテューション登録システム等) で定義され、あなたがそのメンバシップの複製を望む、コースベースのグループ利用に関してデザインされたものです。</p>
Translated by Mitsuhiro Yoshida
Located in lang/en.utf8/help/forms/creategroup.grouptype.html
22392248 of 3317 results

This translation is managed by Mitsuhiro Yoshida, assigned by Mahara Translation Group.

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Contributors to this translation: Mitsuhiro Yoshida.