Context: |
search/elasticsearch7/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch7.php Users
(no translation yet)
Located in
search/elasticsearch7/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch7.php Users
Displaying %s search results
Context: |
search/elasticsearch7/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch7.php xsearchresults
(no translation yet)
Located in
search/elasticsearch7/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch7.php xsearchresults
Displaying %s search results for "%s"
Context: |
search/elasticsearch7/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch7.php xsearchresultsfory
(no translation yet)
Located in
search/elasticsearch7/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch7.php xsearchresultsfory
Z to A
Context: |
search/elasticsearch7/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch7.php ztoa
(no translation yet)
Located in
search/elasticsearch7/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch7.php ztoa
Context: |
search/elasticsearch7/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch7.php requeue
(no translation yet)
Located in
search/elasticsearch7/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch7.php requeue
Enter IDs
Context: |
search/elasticsearch7/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch7.php requeueitem
(no translation yet)
Located in
search/elasticsearch7/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch7.php requeueitem
Enter the ID or IDs (comma-separated) of the %s entries to re-queue. Leave blank to re-queue all.
Context: |
search/elasticsearch7/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch7.php requeueinputfieldarialabel
(no translation yet)
Located in
search/elasticsearch7/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch7.php requeueinputfieldarialabel
Re-queue all %s entries or the selected IDs for this type
Context: |
search/elasticsearch7/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch7.php requeuebuttonarialabel
(no translation yet)
Located in
search/elasticsearch7/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch7.php requeuebuttonarialabel
<p>The following table shows the number of records indexed by Elasticsearch and those waiting in the queue. Records are sent to the Elasticsearch index each time the search plugin's cron task runs, typically every 5 minutes.</p>
<p>You can re-queue records of individual types to avoid having to reset the entire index. If you want to re-queue only one record, enter its ID. To re-queue multiple records, separate their IDs by comma. Don't enter any IDs if all records of a type shall be re-queued.</p>
<p>Click the button "Reset index" at the bottom to reset the entire index, deleting all records and re-queuing them. This may take a while on large sites.
Context: |
search/elasticsearch7/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch7.php resetdescription
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
(no translation yet)
Located in
search/elasticsearch7/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch7.php resetdescription
Reset index
Context: |
search/elasticsearch7/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch7.php resetalltypes
(no translation yet)
Located in
search/elasticsearch7/lang/en.utf8/search.elasticsearch7.php resetalltypes