Many people are connected to the chat room but only look at it now and then. Be patient after asking a question. Don't repeat it and stay connected until you get an answer. It can sometimes take a few hours for somebody to see your question and reply to you. Don't quit after a few minutes. It is frustrating to you, but also to others who later see your question and are unable to reply because you already left.
Txat gelan pertsona asko egon ohi da konektatuta, baina noizean behin bakarrik begiratzen dute. Izan pazientzia galdera egin ondoren. Ez errepikatu eta mantendu konektatuta erantzun bat jasotzen duzun arte. Gerta liteke norbaitek zure galdera ikusi eta erantzun arte zenbait ordu igarotzea. Ez irten minutu batzuk igaro ondoren. Amorragarria da zuretzat, baina baita beranduago zure galdera ikusi eta gelatik joan zarelako erantzun ezinik geratzen direnentzat ere.
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Asier Iturralde Sarasola
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If you are using Hexchat, you can minimize it to tray by clicking its status icon. People will often mention your nickname when replying to you. When they do, your Hexchat status icon will blink to catch your attention.
Hexchat erabiltzen ari bazara, erretilura minimiza dezakezu bere egoera ikonoan klik eginez. Jendeak erantzutean, kasu askotan, zure erabiltzaile-izenari aipamen egingo dio. Hala egiten badute, Hexchat ikonoak keinuka hasiko da zure arreta deitzeko.
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Asier Iturralde Sarasola
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Community resources
Komunitatearen baliabideak
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Asier Iturralde Sarasola
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The `tutorials section <https://community.linuxmint.com/tutorial/search>`_ is useful to find tutorials about Linux Mint.
`Tutorialak atala <https://community.linuxmint.com/tutorial/search>`_ erabilgarria da Linux Minti buruzko tutorialak bilatzeko.
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Asier Iturralde Sarasola
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The `hardware database <https://community.linuxmint.com/hardware/search>`_ is useful to find compatible hardware.
`Hardware datu-basea <https://community.linuxmint.com/hardware/search>`_ erabilgarria da bateragarria den hardwarea aurkitzeko.
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Asier Iturralde Sarasola
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Local communities
Komunitate lokalak
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Asier Iturralde Sarasola
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To find help in your language, use the `Local Communities <https://www.linuxmint.com/links.php>`_.
Laguntza zure hizkuntzan bilatzeko erabili `Komunitate lokalak <https://www.linuxmint.com/links.php>`_.
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Asier Iturralde Sarasola
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Linux Mint Installation Guide
Linux Mint instalazio gida
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Asier Iturralde Sarasola
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Linux Mint comes in the form of an ISO image (an .iso file) which can be used to make a bootable DVD or a bootable USB stick.
Linux Mint DVD edo USB gailu abiagarri bat sortzeko erabil daitekeen ISO irudi moduan dator (.iso fitxategi bat).
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Asier Iturralde Sarasola
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This guide will help you download the right ISO image, create your bootable media and install Linux Mint on your computer.
Gida honek ISO irudi egokia deskargatu, baliabide abiagarri bat sortu eta Linux Mint ordenagailuan instalatzen lagunduko dizu.
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Asier Iturralde Sarasola
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