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646655 of 656 results
Help for Windows / Field Groups~2 - "Current Window" = ~1 %s ~6

. Use multiple ~1windows~2, each with separate config opts (color,fields,sort,etc)
. The 'current' window controls the ~1Summary Area~2 and responds to your ~1Commands~2
. that window's ~1task display~2 can be turned ~1Off~2 & ~1On~2, growing/shrinking others
. with ~1NO~2 task display, some commands will be ~1disabled~2 ('i','R','n','c', etc)
until a ~1different window~2 has been activated, making it the 'current' window
. You ~1change~2 the 'current' window by: ~1 1~2) cycling forward/backward;~1 2~2) choosing
a specific field group; or~1 3~2) exiting the color mapping or fields screens
. Commands ~1available anytime -------------~2
A . Alternate display mode toggle, show ~1Single~2 / ~1Multiple~2 windows
g . Choose another field group and make it 'current', or change now
by selecting a number from: ~1 1~2 =%s;~1 2~2 =%s;~1 3~2 =%s; or~1 4~2 =%s
. Commands ~1requiring~2 '~1A~2' mode~1 -------------~2
G . Change the ~1Name~5 of the 'current' window/field group
~1*~4 a , w . Cycle through all four windows: '~1a~5' Forward; '~1w~5' Backward
~1*~4 - , _ . Show/Hide: '~1-~5' ~1Current~2 window; '~1_~5' all ~1Visible~2/~1Invisible~2
The screen will be divided evenly between task displays. But you can make
some ~1larger~2 or ~1smaller~2, using '~1n~2' and '~1i~2' commands. Then later you could:
~1*~4 = , + . Rebalance tasks: '~1=~5' ~1Current~2 window; '~1+~5' ~1Every~2 window
(this also forces the ~1current~2 or ~1every~2 window to become visible)

In '~1A~2' mode, '~1*~4' keys are your ~1essential~2 commands. Please try the '~1a~2' and '~1w~2'
commands plus the 'g' sub-commands NOW. Press <Enter> to make 'Current'
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
There are leading/trailing spaces here. Each one represents a space character. Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
Ajutor pentru ferestre / grupuri de câmpuri~2 - "Fereastra curentă" = ~1 %s ~6

. Utilizați multiple ~1ferestre~2, fiecare cu opț, separate (culoare, câmpuri, sort., șa)
. Fereastra „actuală” controlează ~1Zona de rezumat~2 și răspunde la ~1Comenzile~2 dvs.
. Afișarea sarcinilor din această fereastră poate fi ~1Activ~2/~1Dezactiv~2, maxim/minim
pe cele ~1FĂRĂ~2 afișare de sarcini, unele comenzi vor fi ~1dezactivate~2 ('i','R','n',
'c', șa) până când va fi activată o ~1altă fereastră~2, devenind fereastra „actuală”
. ~1Schimbați~2 fereastra „actuală” prin: ~1 1~2) rotind înainte/înapoi;~1 2~2) alegând
un câmp specific; sau~1 3~2) ieșind din ecranele de asociere a culorilor sau câmpuri
. Comenzi ~1disponibile oricând -------------~2
A Comutare alternativă a modului de afișare: ~1Una~2 / ~1Multiple~2 ferestre
g Alegeți un alt grup de câmpuri și faceți-l „actual” sau modificați-l
acum, selectând un număr din: ~1 1~2 =%s;~1 2~2 =%s;~1 3~2 =%s; sau~1 4~2 =%s
. Comenzi ~1care necesită ~2modul '~1A~2'~1 -------------~2
G Schimbați ~1Numele~5 ferestrei/grupului de câmpuri „actual”
~1*~4 a , w Parcurgeți toate cele patru ferestre: '~1a~5' Înainte; '~1w~5' Înapoi
~1*~4 - , _ Afiș/Asc: '~1-~5' ~2Feraastra~1 actuală; '~1_~5' toate ~1Vizibile~2/~1Invizibile~2
Ecranul va fi împărțit în mod egal între afișările de sarcini. Dar puteți face
unele ~1mai mari~2 sau ~1mai mici~2, utilizând comenzile '~1n~2' și '~1i~2'. Apoi, puteți face:
~1*~4 = , + Reechilibrați sarcinile: '~1=~5' ~2Fereastra~1 actuală; '~1+~5' ~1Fiecare~2 fereastră
(acest lucru forțează, de asemenea, ~1actuala~2/~1fiecare~2 fereastră să devină vizibilă)

În modul '~1A~2', tastele '~1*~4' sunt comenzile dvs ~1esențiale~2. Încercați cmds '~1a~2' și '~1w~2'
plus subcomenzile 'g' ACUM. Apăsați <Enter> pentru a o face fereastra „Actuală”
Translated by Remus-Gabriel Chelu
Located in src/top/top_nls.c:687
Help for color mapping~2 - %s
current window: ~1%s~6

color - 04:25:44 up 8 days, 50 min, 7 users, load average:
Tasks:~3 64 ~2total,~3 2 ~3running,~3 62 ~2sleeping,~3 0 ~2stopped,~3
%%Cpu(s):~3 76.5 ~2user,~3 11.2 ~2system,~3 0.0 ~2nice,~3 12.3 ~2idle~3
~1 Nasty Message! ~4 -or- ~1Input Prompt~5
17284 ~8pts/2 ~7 8 0 0.0 0:00.75 1380 0 S /bin/bash ~8
~1 8601 pts/1 7 -10 0.4 0:00.03 916 0 R color -b -z~7
11005 ~8? ~7 9 0 0.0 0:02.50 2852 1008 S amor -sessi~8
available toggles: ~1B~2 =disable bold globally (~1%s~2),
~1z~2 =color/mono (~1%s~2), ~1b~2 =tasks "bold"/reverse (~1%s~2)

1) Select a ~1target~2 as an upper case letter, ~1current target~2 is ~1 %c ~4:
S~2 = Summary Data,~1 M~2 = Messages/Prompts,
H~2 = Column Heads,~1 T~2 = Task Information
2) Select a ~1color~2 as a number, ~1current color~2 is ~1 %d ~4:
0~2 = black,~1 1~2 = red, ~1 2~2 = green,~1 3~2 = yellow,
4~2 = blue, ~1 5~2 = magenta,~1 6~2 = cyan, ~1 7~2 = white

3) Then use these keys when finished:
'q' to abort changes to window '~1%s~2'
'a' or 'w' to commit & change another, <Enter> to commit and end
Translation Notes ------------------------------------------------
.  The following 'Help for color mapping' simulated screen should
.  probably NOT be translated.  It is terribly hard to follow in
.  this form and any translation could produce unpleasing results
.  that are unlikely to parallel the running top program.
.  If you decide to proceed with translation, do the following
.  lines only, taking care not to disturbe the tilde + number.
.  Simulated screen excerpt:
.     --> "   Tasks:~3  64 ~2total,~3   2 ~3running,~3  62
.     --> "   %%Cpu(s):~3  76.5 ~2user,~3  11.2 ~2system,~
.     --> "   ~1 Nasty Message! ~4  -or-  ~1Input Prompt~5
.     --> "   available toggles: ~1B~2 =disable bold globa
.     --> "       ~1z~2 =color/mono (~1%s~2), ~1b~2 =tasks
.     --> "Select ~1target~2 as upper case letter:\n"
.     --> "   S~2 = Summary Data,~1  M~2 = Messages/Prompt
.     --> "   H~2 = Column Heads,~1  T~2 = Task Informatio
.     --> "Select ~1color~2 as number:\n"
.     --> "   0~2 = black,~1  1~2 = red,    ~1  2~2 = gree
.     --> "   4~2 = blue, ~1  5~2 = magenta,~1  6~2 = cyan
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
There are leading/trailing spaces here. Each one represents a space character. Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
(no translation yet)
Located in top/top_nls.c:587
Fields Management~2 for window ~1%s~6, whose current sort field is ~1%s~2
Navigate with Up/Dn, Right selects for move then <Enter> or Left commits,
'd' or <Space> toggles display, 's' sets sort. Use 'q' or <Esc> to end!
Translation Hint:
.  This Fields Management header should be 3 lines long so as
.  to allow 1 blank line before the fields & descriptions.
.  If absoultely necessary, 4 lines could be used (but never more).
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
There are leading/trailing spaces here. Each one represents a space character. Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
Gestionarea câmpurilor~2 pentru fereastra ~1%s~6, al cărei câmp de sortare curent este ~1%s~2
Navigați cu Sus/Jos; Cu Dreapta selectați pentru mutare, apoi <Enter> sau Stânga pentru a o efectua,
„d” sau <Spațiu> comută afișarea, „s” activează sortarea. Utilizați „q” sau <Esc> pentru a ieși!
Translated by Remus-Gabriel Chelu
Located in src/top/top_nls.c:759
%s:~3 %3u ~2total,~3 %3u ~2running,~3 %3u ~2sleeping,~3 %3u ~2stopped,~3 %3u ~2zombie~3
Translation Hint:
.  The next 5 items must each be translated as a single line.
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
%s:~3 %3u ~2total,~3 %3u ~2rulând,~3 %3u ~2dormind,~3 %3u ~2oprit(e),~3 %3u ~2zombi~3
Translated by Remus-Gabriel Chelu
Located in src/top/top_nls.c:767
%%%s~3 %#5.1f ~2user,~3 %#5.1f ~2system,~3 %#5.1f ~2nice,~3 %#5.1f ~2idle~3
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
(no translation yet)
Located in top/top_nls.c:656
%%%s~3 %#5.1f ~2user,~3 %#5.1f ~2system,~3 %#5.1f ~2nice,~3 %#5.1f ~2idle,~3 %#5.1f ~2IO-wait~3
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
(no translation yet)
Located in top/top_nls.c:659
%%%s~3 %#5.1f ~2us,~3 %#5.1f ~2sy,~3 %#5.1f ~2ni,~3 %#5.1f ~2id,~3 %#5.1f ~2wa,~3 %#5.1f ~2hi,~3 %#5.1f ~2si~3
Translation Hint: Only the following abbreviations need be translated
.                 us = user, sy = system, ni = nice, id = idle, wa = wait,
.                 hi hardware interrupt, si = software interrupt
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
(no translation yet)
Located in top/top_nls.c:665
%%%s~3%#5.1f ~2us,~3%#5.1f ~2sy,~3%#5.1f ~2ni,~3%#5.1f ~2id,~3%#5.1f ~2wa,~3%#5.1f ~2hi,~3%#5.1f ~2si,~3%#5.1f ~2st~3
Translation Hint: Only the following abbreviations need be translated
.                 us = user, sy = system, ni = nice, id = idle, wa = wait,
.                 hi hardware interrupt, si = software interrupt, st = steal time
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
(no translation yet)
Located in top/top_nls.c:671
%s Mem: ~3 %9.9s~2total,~3 %9.9s~2used,~3 %9.9s~2free,~3 %9.9s~2buffers~3
%s Swap:~3 %9.9s~2total,~3 %9.9s~2used,~3 %9.9s~2free.~3 %9.9s~2cached Mem~3
Translation Hint: Only the following need be translated
.                 abbreviations: Mem = physical memory/ram, Swap = the linux swap file
.                 words:         total, used, free, buffers, cached
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
(no translation yet)
Located in top/top_nls.c:637
Inspection~2 Pause at: pid ~1%d~6 running ~1%s~6 as user ~1%s~6
Use~2: left/right then <Enter> to ~1select~5 an option; 'q' or <Esc> to ~1end~5 !
Options~2: ~1%s
There are line breaks here. Each one represents a line break. Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
(no translation yet)
Located in top/top_nls.c:643
646655 of 656 results

This translation is managed by Ubuntu Romanian Quality Assurance, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Remus-Gabriel Chelu, Țugui Dragoș Constantin.