If you can, describe in as much detail as possible the crash circumstances, and what you were doing when the application crashed (this information is going to be requested later.) You can mention:
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represents a space character.
Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
Если можете, опишите наиболее подробно обстоятельства сбоя, что вы делали до того, как произошла ошибка (эти сведения будут запрошены у вас далее). Можно упомянуть следующее:
Translated by
Victor Ibragimov
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actions you were taking inside or outside the application
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@info/rich crash situation example
амалҳои иҷрокардаи Шумо дар дохил ва беруни барнома
Translated by
Victor Ibragimov
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documents or images that you were using and their type/format (later if you go to look at the report in the bug tracking system, you can attach a file to the report)
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@info/rich crash situation example
документы или изображения, с которыми вы работали, их тип, формат (в дальнейшем, при просмотре сообщения в базе данных об ошибках вы сможете прикрепить такие файлы к сообщению);
Translated by
Victor Ibragimov
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widgets that you were running
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@info/rich crash situation example
видҷетҳои иҷрошуда
Translated by
Victor Ibragimov
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the URL of a web site you were browsing
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@info/rich crash situation example
ин суроғаи интернетӣ аст, ки шумо кушода будед
Translated by
Victor Ibragimov
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configuration details of the application
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@info/rich crash situation example
Маълумот дар бораи танзимоти барнома
Translated by
Victor Ibragimov
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or other strange things you notice before or after the crash.
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@info/rich crash situation example
represents a space character.
Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
дигар чизҳои ношиносе, ки шумо пеш ё баъд аз шикастагӣ қайд кардед.
Translated by
Victor Ibragimov
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Screenshots can be very helpful sometimes. You can attach them to the bug report after it is posted to the bug tracking system.
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Снимки экрана иногда бывают очень полезными. Их можно прикрепить к сообщению после того, как оно будет размещено в системе отслеживания ошибок.
Translated by
Victor Ibragimov
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Crash Information (backtrace)
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Маълумот дар бораи шикастагӣ (ҳисобот)
Translated by
Victor Ibragimov
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This page will generate a "backtrace" of the crash. This is information that tells the developers where the application crashed.
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На этой странице будет составлен стек вызовов в момент сбоя. По нему разработчики могут понять, какой участок программы вызвал сбой.
Translated by
Victor Ibragimov
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