About Bug Reporting - Help
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@title title of the dialog
Роҳнамо дар бораи гузориши хато
Translated by
Victor Ibragimov
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Information about bug reporting
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Маълумот дар бораи гузориши хато
Translated by
Victor Ibragimov
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You can help us improve this software by filing a bug report.
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Бо тайёркунии гузориш оиди хато шумо метавонед барои беҳтаркунии ин барнома ба мо ёрӣ диҳед.
Translated by
Victor Ibragimov
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<note>It is safe to close this dialog. If you do not want to, you do not have to file a bug report.</note>
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<note>Пӯшидани ин диалог бехатар аст. Агар намехоҳед, шумо метавонед ҳисоботро дар бораи хато пур накунед.</note>
Translated by
Victor Ibragimov
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In order to generate a useful bug report we need some information about both the crash and your system. (You may also need to install some debug packages.)
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Барои пайдо кардани ҳисоботи лозимӣ, ба мо баъзе маълумотҳо дар бораи ҳарду корношоямӣ ва системаи Шумо зарур аст. (Эҳтимол ба Шумо сабт кардани баъзе дастаҳои танзимот зарур меояд.)
Translated by
Victor Ibragimov
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Bug Reporting Assistant Guide
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Роҳнамои ҳисоботҳои хатоҳо
Translated by
Victor Ibragimov
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This assistant will guide you through the crash reporting process for the KDE Bug Reports Database Site. All the information you enter on the bug report must be in English, if possible, as KDE is formed internationally.
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Этот мастер поможет вам в сборе информации, которая будет отправлена на сайт базы сообщений об ошибках KDE. Пожалуйста, заполняйте предложенные поля только на английском языке, так как KDE разрабатывается международным сообществом.
Translated by
Victor Ibragimov
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What do you know about the crash?
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Дар бораи корношоямӣ чӣ маълумот доред?
Translated by
Victor Ibragimov
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aboutbugreportingdialog.cpp:67 aboutbugreportingdialog.cpp:170
In this page you need to describe how much do you know about the desktop and the application state before it crashed.
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Дар саҳифаи зерин Шумо бояд дараҷаи дониши худро нисбати мизи корӣ ва ҳолати барномаро пеш аз корношоямӣ нишон диҳед.
Translated by
Victor Ibragimov
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If you can, describe in as much detail as possible the crash circumstances, and what you were doing when the application crashed (this information is going to be requested later.) You can mention:
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represents a space character.
Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
Если можете, опишите наиболее подробно обстоятельства сбоя, что вы делали до того, как произошла ошибка (эти сведения будут запрошены у вас далее). Можно упомянуть следующее:
Translated by
Victor Ibragimov
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