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1726 of 785 results
Crocodiles can live to be over 100 years of age, with the largest species reaching 4.85 meters in length. Various species have been observed attacking and killing sharks.

Sobek was the deification of crocodiles. Egyptians who worked or travelled on the Nile hoped that if they prayed to Sobek, the crocodile god, he would protect them from being attacked by crocodiles.

In this level, it is not the crocodile you need to fear. Still, a prayer to Sobek might help you escape the mummies while you gather the treasure.
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Krokodiloek 100 urte baino gehiago bizi daitezke, espezie handienaren luzera 4,85 metrotara iritsi daiteke. Espezie batzuk marrazoei erasotzen eta hiltzen ikusi dira.

Sobek krokodiloen jainkoespen bat zen. Egiptoarrek Niloan lan egin edo garraitzen ziren Sobek-i (krokodilo jainkoa) errezu eginez gero, krokodiloen erasoetatik babestuko zietela uste zuten.

Mail honetan, krokodiloen beldur eduki behar ez duzun arren, egin otoiz bat Sobek-i momietatik ihes egiten lagun zaitzadan altxorra biltzen duzun bitartean.egiptoarrek
Translated by Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio
Located in gamedata/game_CM.txt:47
Three Pyramids
Hiru piramideak
Translated by Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio
Located in gamedata/game_CM.txt:54
The Giza Necropolis has been a popular tourist destination since antiquity, and was popularized in Hellenistic times when the Great Pyramid was listed by Antipater of Sidon as one of the Seven Wonders of the World. Today it is the only one of those wonders still in existence.

You may find it easiest to navigate this wonder if you get two mummies in the far right pyramid before going over there.
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Giza nekropolia aintzinetik izan da leku oso turistikoa, garai helenistikoan egin zen ospetsua Sidon-eko Antipatro-k Munduko Zazpi Mirarien barruan zerrendatu zuenean. Gaur egun, mirari horien artetik zutik irauten duen bakarra da.

Mirari honetan errazago nabigatzeko, urruneko eskuineko piramideko bi momia lortu hortik zehar ibili aurretik.
Translated by Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio
Located in gamedata/game_CM.txt:55
Tura Caves
Tura-ko haitzuloak
Translated by Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio
Located in gamedata/game_CM.txt:60
Tura was Egypt's primary quarry for limestone, and was used on the Great Pyramid of Khufu. The mining of this limestone left behind caverns that were later used by the British Army as a secret depot during World War II, and which you can now explore.

To the left of the bottom of the long shaft, there are two hidden pits. Free the mummy to the right of the long shaft to fill one of them and free the mummy in the large chamber to fill the other. Be sure to ride the first of the two mummies down to get the piece of treasure in the nook near the bottom of the shaft. When leaving this nook, dig to your right several times to open up your escape route.

Get all the treasure on the left of the board, then move to the right. Make sure to dig free the mummy at the top so that you can get its treasure later. You will also need its help to escape back to the left at the end of the level. The treasure on the right is easier to get than it looks: strategically placed false bricks make this the easy half of the level. Note: If you feel like some variety, you can do all of the right first and then the left.
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Tura Egiptoko kariharrien harrobi nagusia izan zen, eta Keops-en Piramide Handian erabili zen. Kareharri honen meatzaritzak haitzuloak utzi zituen atzean, mende batzuk beranduago, Munduko Bigarren Gerran, Armada Britainiarrak erabili zituen ezkutuko biltegi gisa. Gaur egun edonor sar daiteke haitzulo horietara.

Meazulo handiaren beheko ezkerrean ezkutuko bi zulo daude. Askatu momia meazulo handiko eskuinetik zulo horietarik bat betetzeko, eta askatu ganbera handiko momia bestea betetzeko. Ziurtatu zaitez bi momiak beheruntz gidatzea meazuloaren beheko txokotik altxorraren pieza lortzeko. Txoko horretatik irtendakoan, egin zulo bat hainbat aldiz zure eskuinaldean ihesbide bat irekitzeko.

Taulako ezkerraldetik lortu altxor osoa, eta zoaz eskuinaldera. Ziurtatu zaitez goiko momia askatzeko zulo bat egiten duzula, bere altxorra beranduago lortzeko. Eskuinaldeko altxorra lortzea dirudien baino errazagoa da: estrategikoki jarritako adreilu faltsuek mailaren erdia erraz burutzea dakar. Oharra: aldaeraren bat somatzen baduzu, aurrenik eskuinaldean eginbeharrekoak landu eta gero ezkerraldekoak.
Translated by Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio
Located in gamedata/game_CM.txt:61
Pyramid Crawl
Piramidean lau ankatan
Translated by Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio
Located in gamedata/game_CM.txt:68
There are over 100 pyramids in Egypt, with the oldest being built around 2600 BC.

In this pyramid level (built around AD 2008), avoid (by luring away or killing) getting the two mummies in the middle of the bottom section.
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100 piramide baino gehiago daude Egipton, eta zaharrena 2.600 KA inguruan eraiki zen.

Piramidearen maila honetan (2008 KO eraikita), saihestu (urrunera erakarri edo hil)beheko atalaren erdian bi momia edukitzea.
Translated by Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio
Located in gamedata/game_CM.txt:69
The Great Sphinx
Esfinge Handia
Translated by Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio
Located in gamedata/game_CM.txt:74
The Great Sphinx is a guardian of the Giza Plateau, where it faces the rising sun. Standing 73 meters long and 20 meters high, it is the largest monolith statue in the world and is a mere 4500 years young.

As you grab the treasure inside the sphinx, try to solve The Riddle of the Sphinx: how do you get past the horde of mummies on the right?
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Esfinge Handia Giza-ko goilautadaren zaindaria zen, bere aurpegiak eguzkiaren irteerara begiratzen du. Luzeran 73 metro, eta 20 metroko altuera, munduko estatua monolitiko handiena da eta 4.500 urte besterik ez ditu.

Esfinge barrutik altxorra hartu dezakezu, Esfingearen Asmakizuna ebatzi behar duzu: nola igaroko duzu eskuinaldeko momia mordoa?
Translated by Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio
Located in gamedata/game_CM.txt:75
Ladder Pyramid
Eskailerazko piramidea
Translated by Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio
Located in gamedata/game_CM.txt:80
1726 of 785 results

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Contributors to this translation: Iñaki Larrañaga Murgoitio, marcos.