Use the Export option to copy your photos to a remote computer, iPod, a custom HTML gallery, or to export to services such as Flickr, SmugMug, PicasaWeb, and more.
type: Content of: <div><div><ul><li>
Notaðu útflutningsmöguleikana til að afrita myndirnar þínar á aðrar tölvur, á iPod, í sérniðið HTML myndasafn, eða flytja þær út í þjónustur á borð við Flickr, SmugMug, PicasaWeb, Facebook og fleiri.
Translated and reviewed by
Sveinn í Felli
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For more advanced organization and editing features, <em>digiKam</em> is available for installation.
type: Content of: <div><div><ul><li>
Til að nota þróaðri aðferðir við skipulagningu og meðhöndlun mynda er hægt að setja upp <em>digiKam</em> myndaumsýsluforritið.
Translated and reviewed by
Sveinn í Felli
Located in
Installing additional software
type: Content of: <h1>
Setja upp fleiri forrit
Translated by
Baldur Þór Sveinsson
Reviewed by
Sveinn í Felli
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Take a look at <em>Software Management</em> application in the menu under the System tab. Software Management will allow you to install (and remove) software from our online repositories, which we carefully organize to be safe and up to date.
type: Content of: <div><div><ul><li>
(no translation yet)
Translated and reviewed by
Sveinn í Felli
Located in
There is great software for everything from creating music and movies to producing 3D models and exploring the universe.
type: Content of: <div><div><ul><li>
Til er frábær hugbúnaður fyrir nánast hvað sem er, allt frá því sem þarf til að búa til tónlist og kvikmyndir eða til að búa til þrívíddarmódel (3D) eða til könnunar alheimsins.
Translated and reviewed by
Sveinn í Felli
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(not translated yet)
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If you need something that isn't available through us, find out if there is a Debian package or another repository available. That way, it will be really easy to install and you will receive automatic updates.
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Ef þig vantar eitthvað sem ekki er fáanlegt frá okkur, þá getur þú athugað hvort það sé til Debian pakkar eða önnur hugbúnaðarsöfn (repository). Á þann hátt verður mjög auðvelt að setja upp hugbúnað og þú munt fá sjálfvirkar uppfærslur.
Translated and reviewed by
Sveinn í Felli
In upstream: |
(not translated yet)
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The Internet, your way
type: Content of: <h1>
Internetið, á þinn hátt
Translated and reviewed by
Sveinn í Felli
Located in
Kubuntu ships software necessary to utilize the Internet for many different situations.
type: Content of: <div><div><ul><li>
Kubuntu kemur með nauðsynlegum hugbúnaði til að nota Internetið á ýmsa vegu.
Translated and reviewed by
Sveinn í Felli
In upstream: |
(not translated yet)
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Browse the web, share your files, software, and multimedia, send and receive e-mail, and communicate with friends and family.
type: Content of: <div><div><ul><li>
(no translation yet)
Translated and reviewed by
Sveinn í Felli
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Web browsers such as <em>Firefox</em> and Google's <em>Chromium</em> are easily installable.
type: Content of: <div><div><ul><li>
Auðvelt er að setja upp ýmsa vafra á borð við <em>Firefox</em> og Google's <em>Chrome</em>.
Translated and reviewed by
Sveinn í Felli
In upstream: |
(not translated yet)
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