Accessibility in Kubuntu
type: Content of: <h1>
Aðgengi í Kubuntu
Translated and reviewed by
Baldur Þór Sveinsson
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We want to make computers work for everyone, whatever your physical circumstances. So, we provide tools that make Kubuntu one of the most accessible operating systems around.
type: Content of: <div><div><ul><li>
Við viljum gera tölvur aðgngilegar fyrir alla hvernig sem aðstæður eru. Við erum með tól sem gerir Kubuntu eitt af aðgengilegasta stýrikerfum sem völ er á.
Translated and reviewed by
Baldur Þór Sveinsson
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You can get at these tools in one place: the <em>Accessibility</em> preferences, inside the System Settings application from the menu. From there, you can turn on helpful tools like <em>Modifier Keys</em>, <em>Keyboard Filters</em>, and <em>Activation Gestures</em>.
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Þú getur ná í öll þessi tól á einum stað: <em>Aðgengi</em>, inni í Kerfisvalkostaforritinu. Þar getur þú sett í gang ýmis tól svo sem <em>Breytilyklar</em>, <em>Lyklaborðssíur</em>, og <em>Virkjunarbendingar</em>.
Translated and reviewed by
Sveinn í Felli
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Remember to also look over the <em>Appearance Preferences</em>, too. You can choose between different visual styles and even change the fonts that are used by applications.
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Mundu líka eftir því að kanna <em>Útlit</em>. Þú getur valið úr mismunandi útlitsstílum og jafnvel breytt leturgerðinni sem forritin þín nota.
Translated and reviewed by
Sveinn í Felli
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Get your game on with Kubuntu
type: Content of: <h1>
Farðu í leiki í Kubuntu
Translated and reviewed by
Baldur Þór Sveinsson
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With hundreds of game titles in our online repository, Kubuntu allows you to not be all about work, but also allows you to play.
type: Content of: <div><div><ul><li>
Með hundruð leikja í gagnageymslu okkar á netinu þá gerir Kubuntu þér kleyft að leika þér ásamt því að vinna.
Translated and reviewed by
Baldur Þór Sveinsson
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The <em>KDE Software Compilation</em> has quite a few games ranging from card games to logic games and board games.
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<em>KDE Hugbúnaðarsafnið</em> er með nokkuð mörgum leikjum, allt frá spilastokkaleikjum til heilabrota og borðspila.
Translated and reviewed by
Sveinn í Felli
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First Person Shooters, Role Play Games, and more are also available in the repositories.
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Fyrstu persónu skotleikir og hlutverkaleikir eru einnig í boði í hugbúnaðarsöfnunum
Translated and reviewed by
Sveinn í Felli
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Getting help with Kubuntu
type: Content of: <div><div><h1>
Að fá hjálp með Kubuntu
Translated and reviewed by
Sveinn í Felli
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If you need help, try <em>Help</em> from the menu, or the <em>Help</em> menu in most applications.
type: Content of: <div><div><ul><li>
Ef þú þarfnast hjálpar, veldu þá <em>Hjálp</em> úr valmyndinni eða <em>Hjálp</em> úr flestum forritum.
Translated and reviewed by
Baldur Þór Sveinsson
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