Translations by Iñaki Calvo

Iñaki Calvo has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

129 of 29 results
This document is maintained by the Ubuntu documentation team ( For a list of contributors, see the <ulink type="help" url="help:/kubuntu/contributors.html">contributors page</ulink>
Dokumentu hau Ubuntu dokumentazio taldeak mantentzen du ( Laguntzaileen zerrenda bat lortzeko, ikusi <ulink type="help" url="help:/kubuntu/contributors.html">laguntzaileen orria</ulink>
This documentation is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE AS DESCRIBED IN THE DISCLAIMER.
Dokumentu hau erabilgarri izango den ustetan banatzen da, baino INOLAKO BERMERIK GABE; ez MERKATURATZE berme inplizitoa ez eta HELBURU JAKIN BATERAKO EGOKI IZANGO DELAKOA ere ARDURA EZEZTAPENEAN AZALDU BEZALA.
A copy of the license is available here: <ulink type="help" url="help:/kubuntu/ccbysa.html">Creative Commons ShareAlike License</ulink>.
Hemen duzu eskuragarri lizentziaren ale bat: <ulink type="help" url="help:/kubuntu/ccbysa.html">Creative Commons ShareAlike Lizentzia</ulink>.
2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
2004, 2005, 2006, 2007, 2008
Canonical Ltd. and members of the Ubuntu Documentation Project
Canonical Ltd. eta Ubuntu Dokumentazio Proiektuako taldekideak
This document is an introduction to Kubuntu. It explains the Kubuntu philosophy and roots, as well as introduces the Kubuntu desktop.
Dokumentu hau Kubunturako sarrera da. Kubunturen filosofia eta bere jatorriak azaltzen ditu, eta baita Kubuntu mahaigainaren oinarria ere.
Introduction to Kubuntu
Kubunturako sarrera
Welcome to Kubuntu 8.04: the Hardy Heron Release. Kubuntu is a user-friendly Linux operating system that utilizes KDE, the K Desktop Environment. With a predictable 6 month release cycle as part of the Ubuntu project, Kubuntu is the Linux distribution for everyone. The entire Kubuntu team would like to thank you for using Kubuntu.
Ongi etorri Kubuntu 8.04ra: Hardy Heron Argitalpenera. Kubuntu KDE (K Mahaigain Ingurunea) erabiltzen duen Linuxpeko sistema eragile erabilerraza da. Ubuntu proiektuaren parte izanik, Kubuntuk sei hilabetero argitalpen berri bat dakar. Kubuntu denontzako Linux distribuzioa da. Kubuntu talde osoak Kubuntu erabiltzeagatik eskerrak eman nahi dizkizu.
Kubuntu includes more than 1,000 pieces of software and has access to more than 25,000 other applications to suit your needs. Kubuntu starts with Linux version 2.6.24 and KDE 3.5.9, and then covers every standard desktop application from word processing and spreadsheet to Internet access applications, web server software, email software, programming languages and tools, and more.
Kubuntuk 1.000 programa baino gehiagoz osatuta dago, horrez gain, zure beharrak asetzeko beste 25.000 aplikazio erabil ditzake. Kubuntu Linux 2.6.24 eta KDE 3.5.9 bertsioetan ditu haren oinarriak, eta mahaigaineko aplikazio ohizkoenak ere badauzka: testu-prozesadore eta kalkulu-orriak, interneterako aplikazioak, web-zerbitzari softwarea, posta-elektronikorako programak, programazio-hizkuntzak eta tresnak, eta abar.
Kubuntu includes the very best translations and accessibility infrastructure that the Free Software community has to offer, to make Kubuntu usable by as many people as possible.
Kubuntuk Software Askearen elkargoak eskaintzen dituen itzulpen eta erabilgarritasun-azpiegitura onenak erabiltzen ditu, Kubuntu ahalik eta jende gehienarentzti erabilgarri izan dadin.
Kubuntu is entirely committed to the principles of free software and open source development; we encourage people to use free and open source software, improve it, and pass it on.
Kubuntu erabat konprometituta dago software askearen eta iturburu irekiko garapenaren printzipioekin; jendea iturburu irekiko software askea erabili, hobetu eta banatzera animatzen dugu.
If you have not initiated the install of Kubuntu, and are just running the Live CD to see what Kubuntu has to offer, then your data is safe. This Live CD will not harm your data unless you intend to do so by clicking the <guibutton>Install</guibutton> icon and utilize the entire hard disk during the install.
Ez baduzu Kubunturen instalazioa abiarazi eta Live CDa erabiliz Kubuntuk eskaintzen dizuna ikusten ari bazara, orduan zure diska gogorreko datuak salbu dira. <guibutton>Instalatu</guibutton> ikonoa klikatzen eta instalaziorako diska gogor guztia aukeratzen ez duzun bitartean, Live CD honek ez ditu zure diskako datuak kaltetuko (ezabatuko) instalazio prozesuan.
Welcome to the Kubuntu Live CD. The Live CD provides you with a test run of Kubuntu without destroying the data that is currently on your computer. The Live CD also provides you the option to install Kubuntu onto your system in a variety of ways. You can install it as a standalone system by utilizing your entire hard drive or you can set it up as an option in a multi-boot system.
Ongi etorri Kubunturen Live CDra. Live CDak Kubuntu zure ordenagailuan dauden datuak kaltetu gabe frogatzeko aukera ematen dizu. Horrez gain Live CDak zure sisteman Kubuntu instalatzeko modu ezberdinak eskaintzen dizkizu. Sistema bakar lez instala dezakezu, diska gogor osoa erabiliz, edo aukeretako bat lez ezarri sistema ezberdinak dituen ordenagailu batean.
<application>Amarok</application> is the default audio application for Kubuntu and <application>Kaffeine</application> is the default video application. Further information is available in the <ulink type="help" url="help:/kubuntu/musicvideophotos">Multimedia</ulink> section of the Kubuntu documentation as well as the <ulink type="help" url="help:/amarok">Amarok Handbook</ulink> and the <ulink type="help" url="help:/kaffeine">Kaffeine Handbook</ulink>.
<application>Amarok</application> audiorako aplikazio lehenetsia da Kubuntun, eta <application>Kaffeine</application> bideorakoa. Informazio gehiago lortzeko Kubunturen dokumentazioaren atal hauetara jo: <ulink type="help" url="help:/kubuntu/musicvideophotos">Multimedia</ulink>, <ulink type="help" url="help:/amarok">Amarok Handbook</ulink> eta <ulink type="help" url="help:/kaffeine">Kaffeine Handbook</ulink>.
<application>Amarok</application> is the default audio application for Kubuntu. There are various other applications as well for multimedia use. Further information is available in the <ulink type="help" url="help:/kubuntu/musicvideophotos">Multimedia</ulink> section of the Kubuntu documentation as well as the <ulink type="help" url="help:/amarok">Amarok Handbook</ulink>.
<application>Amarok</application> audiorako aplikazio lehenetsia da Kubuntun. Honez gain, beste multimedia-aplikazio batzuk eskuragarri dauzkazu. Informazio gehiago lortzeko Kubunturen Dokumentazioaren atal hauetara jo: <ulink type="help" url="help:/kubuntu/musicvideophotos">Multimedia</ulink> eta <ulink type="help" url="help:/amarok">Amarok Handbook</ulink>.
<application>Kopete</application> is the default instant messaging application for Kubuntu. Further information is available in the <ulink type="help" url="help:/kubuntu/internet">Internet</ulink> section of the Kubuntu documentation as well as the <ulink type="help" url="help:/kopete">Kopete Handbook</ulink>.
<application>Kopete</application> berehalako-mezularitza aplikazio lehenetsia da Kubuntun. Informazio gehiago lortzeko Kubunturen Dokumentazioaren atal hauetara jo: <ulink type="help" url="help:/kubuntu/internet">Internet</ulink> eta <ulink type="help" url="help:/kopete">Kopete Handbook</ulink>.
<application>Konversation</application> is the default <acronym>IRC</acronym> client in Kubuntu. Further information is available in the <ulink type="help" url="help:/kubuntu/internet">Internet</ulink> section of the Kubuntu documentation as well as the <ulink type="help" url="help:/konversation">Konversation Handbook</ulink>.
<application>Konversation</application> <acronym>IRC</acronym> bezero lehenetsia da Kubuntun. Informazio gehiago lortzeko Kubunturen Dokumentazioaren atal hauetara jo: <ulink type="help" url="help:/kubuntu/internet">Internet</ulink> eta <ulink type="help" url="help:/konversation">Konversation Handbook</ulink>.
<application>Ark</application> is the default file compression application for Kubuntu. Further information is available in the <ulink type="help" url="help:/ark">Ark Handbook</ulink>.
<application>Ark</application> konpresio aplikazio lehenetsia da Kubuntun. Informazio gehiago lortzeko Kubunturen Dokumentazioaren atal honetara jo: <ulink type="help" url="help:/ark">Ark Handbook</ulink>.
CD/DVD Burning
CD/DVD Grabaziorako
<application>K3b</application> is the default <acronym>CD</acronym>/<acronym>DVD</acronym> burning application for Kubuntu. Further information is available in the <ulink type="help" url="help:/kubuntu/musicvideophotos">Multimedia</ulink> section of the Kubuntu documentation as well as the <ulink type="help" url="help:/k3b">K3b Handbook</ulink>.
<application>K3b</application><acronym>CD</acronym>/<acronym>DVD</acronym>ak grabatzeko aplikazio lehenetsia da. Informazio gehiago lortzeko Kubunturen Dokumentazioaren atal hauetara jo: <ulink type="help" url="help:/kubuntu/musicvideophotos">Multimedia</ulink> eta <ulink type="help" url="help:/k3b">K3b Handbook</ulink>.
<application>KPDF</application> is the default <acronym>PDF</acronym> viewer for Kubuntu. Further information is available in the <ulink type="help" url="help:/kpdf">KPDF Handbook</ulink>.
<application>KPDF</application> <acronym>PDF</acronym> ikustatzaile lehenetsia da Kubuntun. Informazio gehiago lortzeko: <ulink type="help" url="help:/kpdf">KPDF Handbook</ulink>.
get GNU/Linux
GNU/Linux eskuratu
The default desktop environment for Kubuntu is KDE, a powerful Free Software graphical desktop environment for Linux and Unix workstations. It combines ease of use, contemporary functionality, and outstanding graphical design with the technological superiority of the Unix operating system. KDE is one of many desktop environments for Linux users. KDE sports an impressive array of easy to use, but powerful, graphical interface applications for users of all ages in both home and work environments. For developers, KDE provides a robust application development framework that enables rapid creation of first rate applications implementing cutting-edge technology.
Kubuntun mahaigain-ingurune lehenetsia KDE da, software askeko mahaigain-ingurune grafiko sendo bat Linux eta Unix lanpostuentzako. KDE mahaigainak erabilera erraza, funtzionalitate gaurkotua eta diseinu grafiko bikaina elkartzen ditu UNIX sistema eragilearen nagusitasun teknologikoarekin. KDE Linux-erabiltzaileek eskura daukaten mahaigain-ingurunetako bat da. KDEk itxura grafiko bikaina eta erabilerreztasun handia batzen duten aplikazio asko dauzka, adin guztietako erabiltzaileentzat, bai etxean zein lanean edo eskolan erabiltzeko egokiak. Garatzaileentzat, KDEk azkeneko teknologia inplementatuz lehen mailako aplikazioak sortzeko marku sendoa eskaintzen du.
KDE is in many ways similar to GNOME, but there are a few distinct differences which distinguish KDE as a desktop environment. KDE uses C++ at its base, with Qt (the Q-toolkit), whereas GNOME, using GTK, is written in C. KDE is the older and most widely used desktop environment, and is known to stress more the importance of features, and more recently, usability. GNOME more notoriously prides itself on simplicity and ease of use. Popular criticisms of GNOME are that it's lacking in features and applications, while it's often commented that KDE has too many features which may themselves be hard to locate.
KDE eta GNOME oso antzekoak dira, baina badaude mahai-ingurune lez KDE bereizten duten ezberdintasun batzuk. KDE-ren oinarrian C++ dago, Qt-rekin (Q-toolkit -a); GNOME-ren oinarrian C dago, GTK-rekin. KDE zaharragoa da eta hedatuago dago, eta ezaugarri asko ematen saiatzen da, eta azken aldian, erabilterraztasuna handitu nahian dabil. GNOME simpleago eta erabilterrazagoa da. Ohikoak dira GNOME-k ezaugarri gutxi dituela dioten ahotsak, eta baita KDE-k ezaugarri gehiegi dituela diotenak (ondorioz, ezaugarri horiek aurkitzea zaila egin daiteke).
Nevertheless, KDE and GNOME respectively target different audiences, and are fundamentally different in some respects, and the question of which desktop environment is superior is inherently a subjective opinion in many ways. Because of this, to at least make a proper decision about which is more suited to yourself, it is advised that you try them both out. Thus, it is very easy to install GNOME from a Kubuntu setup, and equally easy to install KDE from an Ubuntu setup.
Nolanahi ere, KDE eta GNOMEk bakoitzak bere jarraitzaileak dauzka, eta haien artean oinarrizko ezberdintasunik egonik ere, zein den hobe kontu subjektiboa da zentzu askotan. Hala izanik, zein mahaigain-ingurune nahiago duzun ikusteko, biak frogatzea aholkatzen dizugu. Oso erraza da Kubuntun GNOME instalatzea, eta baita Ubuntun KDE instalatzea ere.
Switching Desktops
Mahaigain aldagarriak
As an Ubuntu user, you may be concerned that your favorite GNOME applications will not run under Kubuntu. That is not the case. In recent times, much work has been done to increase compatibility between GNOME and KDE. Today, virtually all GNOME applications will run under KDE and vice versa.
Ubuntu erabiltzaile gisa, zure GNOME aplikazio gogokoenak Kubuntun ez direla ibiliko arduratu zaitzake. Hori ez da arazo. Azken garaian, lan asko egin da GNOME eta KDEren arteko bateragarritasuna hobetzeko. Gaur, benetan GNOME aplikazio guztiak ibiliko dira KDErekin eta alderantziz.
There are various locations for you to receive help with your Kubuntu system. A list of the most common locations are found in the <ulink type="help" url="help:/kubuntu/getting-help">Getting Help</ulink> section of the Kubuntu documentation.
Kubunturen laguntzak gai asko biltzen ditu, arruntenak kontsultatzeko laguntza-dokumentazioaren atal honetara jo: <ulink type="help" url="help:/kubuntu/getting-help">Laguntza</ulink>
This is a dummy translation so that the credits are counted as translated.