Record your encryption passphrase
Registra la passphrase de cifradura
Translated and reviewed by
Emiliano Malerba
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To encrypt your home directory or "Private" folder, a strong passphrase has been automatically generated. Usually your directory is unlocked with your user password, but if you ever need to manually recover this directory, you will need this passphrase. Please print or write it down and store it in a safe location. If you click "Run this action now", enter your login password at the "Passphrase" prompt and you can display your randomly generated passphrase. Otherwise, you will need to run "ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase" from the command line to retrieve and record your generated passphrase.
Par cifrar la to directori personal o la cartea «Private», è sta gererà automaticamente una passphrase ciossa. De solito, la propria directory la vien sblocà co la password utente, ma se fusse necesario ripristinar sta directory, lìè necesario dispor dela passphrase: te convien quindi stamparla o srivarla e tegnarla da conto in on posto seguro. Par visualizar la passphrase generà, fa clic su «Esegui ora» e meti dentro la to password de acesxo. Altrimenti te ghè da eseguir da un termnal el comando «ecryptfs-unwrap-passphrase».
Translated and reviewed by
Emiliano Malerba
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Access Your Private Data
Acexo ai dati privai
Translated and reviewed by
Emiliano Malerba
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Setup Your Encrypted Private Directory
Impostaxion directory privata cifrà
Translated and reviewed by
Emiliano Malerba
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