You are trying to use the feature <b>%(feature)s</b> which is <b>not</b> provided by any plugin.
Do you wish to use this feature anyway?
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
<b>%(feature)s</b> ezaugarria erabiltzekotan zaude. Hau <b>Ez</b> ez da egokia edozein pluginekin.
hala ere ezaugarri hau erabili nahi duzu?
Translated by
Ander Elortondo
Use %(feature)s
Erabili %(feature)s
Translated by
Ander Elortondo
Don't use %(feature)s
Ez erabili %(feature)s
Translated by
Ander Elortondo
You are trying to use the feature <b>%(feature)s</b> which is provided by <b>%(plugin)s</b>.
This plugin is currently disabled.
Do you wish to enable <b>%(plugin)s</b> so the feature is available?
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
<b>%(plugin)s</b> plugineko <b>%(feature)s</b> ezaugarria erabili nahi duzu.
Plugin hau orain ezgaitua dago.
<b>%(plugin)s</b> gaitu nahi duzu, ezaugarria erabilgarri izateko?
Translated by
Ander Elortondo
Enable %(plugin)s
Gaitu %(plugin)s
Translated by
Ander Elortondo
Don't enable %(feature)s
Ez gaitu %(feature)s
Translated by
Ander Elortondo
Some %(bindings)s bindings of Plugin <b>%(plugin)s</b> conflict with other plugins. Do you want to resolve these conflicts?
<b>%(plugin)s</b> plugineko hainbat laster-tekla %(bindings)s beste plugin batzuekoekin gatazkan daude. Gatazka hauek konpondu nahi dituzu?
Translated by
Ander Elortondo
Resolve conflicts
Konpondu gatazkak
Translated by
Ander Elortondo
Ignore conflicts
Ez ikusi gatazkak
Translated by
Ander Elortondo
Plugin <b>%(plugin_conflict)s</b> provides feature <b>%(feature)s</b> which is also provided by <b>%(plugin)s</b>
Plugina honek <b>%(plugin_conflict)s</b> beste <b>%(plugin)s</b> pluginak ere ematen duen <b>%(feature)s</b> ezaugarria ematen du
Translated by
Ander Elortondo