You can change how long the delay should be between hovering the mouse pointer over a button and that button being pressed. To do this, go to the <gui>Pointing and Clicking</gui> tab (see above) and change the <gui>Delay</gui> in the <gui>Hover Click</gui> section.
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Change how much the mouse is allowed to move/wiggle when hovering
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You don't need to hold the mouse perfectly still when hovering over a button to click it - the pointer is allowed to move a little bit and will still click after a while. If it moves too much, however, the click will not happen.
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You can change how much the pointer is allowed to move but still be considered "still enough" to click the button. Go to the <gui>Pointing and Clicking</gui> tab (see above) and change the <gui>Motion threshold</gui> in the <gui>Hover Click</gui> section; a large motion threshold will allow the pointer to move quite a lot but will still register the click.
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external ref='/usr/share/icons/gnome/22x22/apps/preferences-desktop-accessibility.png' md5='__failed__'
Context: |
This is a reference to an external file such as an image or video. When
the file changes, the md5 hash will change to let you know you need to
update your localized copy. The msgstr is not used at all. Set it to
whatever you like once you have updated your copy of the file.
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Check <gui>Show position of pointer when the Control key is pressed</gui>.
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You can make it so that, instead of clicking the right mouse button, you can just hold-down the left mouse button for a while to do the same thing. This is useful if you find it difficult to move your fingers individually on one hand, or if you have a specialized mouse.
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You can change how long you must hold down the left mouse button for before it is registered as a right click. In the <gui>Pointing and Clicking</gui> tab, change the <gui>acceptance delay</gui> under <gui>Simulated Secondary Click</gui>.
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<link xref="addremove-install">Install</link>, <link xref="addremove-remove">remove</link>, <link xref="addremove-sources">software repositories</link>, <link xref="addremove-ppa">Personal Package Archives</link>...
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The installation usually finishes quickly, but could take a while if you have a slow Internet connection. When it has finished, your new application will be ready to use; most applications can be accessed from the Applications menu.
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