You can print on both sides of each sheet of paper:
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Click <guiseq><gui>File</gui><gui>Print</gui></guiseq>.
(itstool) path: item/p
Kliknite <guiseq><gui>Datoteka</gui><gui>Štampaj</gui></guiseq>.
Translated by
Nejra Zulic
Reviewed by
Samir Ribić
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Go to the <gui>Page Setup</gui> tab of the Print window and choose an option from the <gui>Two-sided</gui> drop-down list. If the option is disabled, two-sided printing is not available for your printer.
(itstool) path: item/p
Idi na <gui>Postavke strane</gui> tab od Print prozora i izaberi opciju <gui>Dvostrano</gui> sa opadajuce liste. Ako je opcija iskljucena, dvostrno printanje nije podrzano na vasem printeru.
Translated and reviewed by
Samir Ribić
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Printers handle two-sided printing in different ways. It's a good idea to experiment with your printer to see how it works.
(itstool) path: item/p
Štampači obrađuju dvostrano štampanje na različite načine. Dobra je idea da eksperimentišete sa Vašim štampačem da vidite kako radi.
Translated by
Ensar Turkovic
Reviewed by
Samir Ribić
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You can print more than one page of the document per <em>side</em> of paper too. Use the <gui>Pages per side</gui> option to do this.
(itstool) path: item/p
Mozete stampati vise od jedne strane dokumenta <em>side</em> strani papira. Koristite <gui>Pages per side</gui> da podesite to.
Translated by
Ensar Turkovic
Reviewed by
Samir Ribić
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Cancel a pending print job and remove it from the queue.
(itstool) path: info/desc
Odustanite od ispisa na čekanju i obrišite ga iz reda.
Translated by
Nejra Zulic
Reviewed by
Samir Ribić
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Cancel a print job
(itstool) path: section/title
Odustanite od ispisa
Translated by
Nejra Zulic
Reviewed by
Samir Ribić
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If you accidentally started printing a document, you can quickly cancel the print so you don't need to waste any ink or paper. Click the printer icon in the <gui>menu bar</gui>. In the <gui>Print Status</gui> window, select the print job you want to cancel and click the red <gui>Cancel</gui> button.
(itstool) path: page/p
Ako ste slucajno pokrenuli ispis dokumenta, mozete brzo otkazati stampanje tako da nema potrebe da trosite tintu ili papir. Kliknite ikonu printera u <gui>menu bar</gui>. U <gui>menu bar</gui>. izaberite posao printanja koji zelite da otkazete i pritisnite crveno <gui>Cancel</gui> dugme.
Translated by
Ensar Turkovic
Reviewed by
Samir Ribić
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If this doesn't cancel the print job like you expected, try holding down the <gui>Cancel</gui> button on your printer.
(itstool) path: page/p
Ako ispis nije poništen kako ste očekivali, pokušajte držati tipku <gui>Odustani</gui> na vašem štampaču.
Translated by
Nejra Zulic
Reviewed by
Samir Ribić
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As a last resort, especially if you have a big print job with a lot of pages that won't cancel, remove the paper from the printer's paper input tray. The printer should realize that there is no paper and will stop printing. You can then try canceling the print job again, or try turning the printer off and then on again.
(itstool) path: section/p
Kao posljednje utociste, specijalno ako imate veliki posao printanja sa dosta stranica koji nece da se prekine uklonite papir iz ladice za papir. Printer bi trebao shvatiti da nema papira i prestati printati. Tada mozete pokusati sa otkazivanjem printanja ponovo ili gasenjem i paljenjem printera.
Translated and reviewed by
Samir Ribić
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