All the topics in this lesson are mandatory. To familiarise the students with the basic features of the new desktop, this lesson should primarily be a hands on session.
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This section serves as a quick tour of the Ubuntu desktop. The course will go into more detail in later lessons, but this will give you a taste of what's ahead.
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Highlight the fact that unlike other operating systems, Ubuntu comes with a completely clean desktop, by default. Users are free to add icons and files on the desktop according to their preferences.
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GNOME is the default desktop environment for Ubuntu. GNOME (GNU Network Object Model Environment) is an international effort to build a complete desktop environment—the graphical user interface, which sits on top of a computer operating system—entirely from free software. This goal includes creating software development frameworks, selecting application software for the desktop and working on the programmes which manage application launching, file handling and window and task management. Community members worldwide contribute to the translation and accessibility of the desktop in multiple languages. (Reference: <ulink url="http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNOME">http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/GNOME</ulink>)
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When you start your computer, the first screen displayed on Ubuntu is the logon screen, where you type your user name and password. The next screen displayed is the Ubuntu desktop. Ubuntu comes with a completely clean desktop background, free of icons by default.
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Ensure that you browse through each element very quickly because more details will be covered in the subsequent lessons.
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You can arrange icons and files on the desktop to access them quickly. If a CD, hard disk or any other external device is connected to your computer, Ubuntu automatically displays its icon on the desktop to allow easy access to the device.
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The Home directory is created by default for every user and automatically takes the username. It contains all user-specific files. In a multi-user system, every user stores personal data in a sub-directory of this directory.
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This menu enables you to change the computer settings. You can also access the Ubuntu help system and turn off your computer here.
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By default, there are three shortcut icons next to the menus on the top panel: Mozilla Firefox, Evolution and Help. You can create additional shortcuts to any applications and place them here for quick access.
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