"A virtuoso is judged by their actions; a leader is judged by the actions of their team." A leader knows when to act and when to step back. They know when to delegate work, and when to take it upon themselves.
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"Un virtuoso es judicate per le proprie actiones; un leader es judicate per le actiones de proprie equipa." Un leader sape quando ager e quando receder un grado retro. Ille cognosce quando delegar le labor, e quando sumer lo super se ipse.
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A good leader does not seek the limelight, but celebrates team members for the work they do. Leaders may be more visible than members of the team, good ones use that visibility to highlight the great work of others.
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Un bon leader non quere le apparition in scena, ma celebra le membros del equipa pro le labor que illes face. Le leaderes pote esser plus visibile quam le membros del equipa, illes bon usa tal visibilitate a mitter in evidentia le grande labor de alteres.
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'''Courage and considerateness'''
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'''Corage e consideration'''
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Leadership occasionally requires bold decisions that will not be widely understood, consensual or popular. We value the courage to take such decisions, because they enable the project as a whole to move forward faster than we could if we required complete consensus. Nevertheless, boldness demands considerateness; take bold decisions, but do so mindful of the challenges they present for others, and work to soften the impact of those decisions on them. Communicating changes and their reasoning clearly and early on is as important as the implementation of the change itself.
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Le direction occasionalmente require decisiones hardite que essera ni comprendite largemente, ni consensual o popular. Nos apprecia le corage a prender tal decisiones, perque illas activa le integre projecto a avantiar plus rapidemente quam nos poterea si nos requireva le consenso complete.
Totevia, le hardimento require consideration; prender decisiones hardite, ma facer lo attentive del defias que illas representa pro le alteres, e laborar a mitigar lor impacto sur illes. Communicar clarmente e promptemente le cambiamentos e lor rationes es assi importante como le mesme implementation del cambiamento.
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'''Conflicts of Interest'''
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'''Conflictos de interesse'''
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We expect leaders to be aware when they are conflicted due to employment or other projects they are involved in, and abstain or delegate decisions that may be seen to be self-interested. We expect that everyone who participates in the project does so with the goal of making life better for its users.
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Nos spera que le leaderes es consciente quando illes es in conflicto per empleo o per altere projectos in le qual illes es implicate, e se abstine o delega le decisiones que pote esser vidite como personalmente interessate. Nos spera que tote le participantes al projecto face assi con le proposito de facer le vita melior pro su clientes.
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When in doubt, ask for a second opinion. Perceived conflicts of interest are important to address; as a leader, act to ensure that decisions are credible even if they must occasionally be unpopular, difficult or favourable to the interests of one group over another.
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Quando in dubita, querer pro un secunde opinion. Le conflictos de interesse percipite es importante a affrontar; pois que un leader, age pro assecurar que le decisiones es credibile mesmo si illos debe occasionalmente esser impopular, difficile o favorabile al interesses de un gruppo super un altere.
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This Code is not exhaustive or complete. It is not a rulebook; it serves to distill our common understanding of a collaborative, shared environment and goals. We expect it to be followed in spirit as much as in the letter.
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Iste Codice non es exhaustive o complete. Illo non es un libro del regulas; illo serve a distillar nostre commun intendimento de un ambiente collaborative e de propositos compartite. Nos spera que isto debe esser sequite in spirito tanto ben que ad littera.
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'''The Ubuntu Code of Conduct is licensed under the [[http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/|Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license]]. You may re-use it for your own project, and modify it as you wish, just please allow others to use your modifications and give credit to the Ubuntu Project!'''
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'''Le Codice de disciplina de Ubuntu es licentiate sub le [[http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by-sa/3.0/|Creative Commons Attribution-Share Alike 3.0 license]]. Tu pote re-usar lo pro tu proprie projecto, e variar lo como tu desidera, justo per favor consenti le alteres a usar tu modificationes e dar credito al Projecto Ubuntu!'''
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