OpenERP relies on a philosophy of Open Source and on the technologies that have been developed and tuned over the years by numerous talented people. Their efforts are greatly appreciated.
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Thanks also to my family for their encouragement, their tolerance and their constant presence.
E un ringraziamento anche a tutta la mia famiglia, che non mi ha fatto mai mancare il suo incoraggiamento, la sua tolleranza e la sua costante presenza.
Translated by
Xavier (Open ERP)
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*From Fabien Pinckaers*
*Da Fabien Pinckaers*
Translated by
Xavier (Open ERP)
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I address my thanks to all of the team at Tiny for their hard work in preparing, translating and re-reading the book in its various forms. My particular thanks to Laurence Henrion and my family for supporting me throughout all this effort.
Rivolgo i miei ringraziamenti a tutto il team di Tiny, che ha lavorato duramente nella preparazione, traduzione e revisione di questo libro in tutte le sue forme. Un ringraziamento particolare va anche a Laurence Heurion e alla mia famiglia per avermi sopportato durante tutto questo lavoro.
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Xavier (Open ERP)
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The architecture of Open[nbsp] ERP
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To access Open[nbsp] ERP you can:
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use a web browser pointed at the OpenERP client-web server, or
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use an application client (the GTK client) installed on each computer.
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The two methods of access give very similar facilities, and you can use both on the same server at the same time. It's best to use the web browser if the Open[nbsp] ERP server is some distance away (such as on another continent) because it's more tolerant of time delays between the two than the GTK client is. The web client is also easier to maintain, because it's generally already installed on users' computers.
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Conversely you'd be better off with the application client (called the GTK client because of the technology it's built with) if you're using a local server (such as in the same building). In this case the GTK client will be more responsive, so more satisfying to use.
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