Whether to hide the posts on the page by default. Setting this will make the CEDI appear to function more like a wiki.
投稿は既定で非表示 (これを設定すると、CEDIはウィキのような多くの機能になります)
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Samurai Jack
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Place the page description for this CEDI page in the main posting field.
このCEDIページの説明は、メイン投稿 フィールドに入力してください。
Translated and reviewed by
Samurai Jack
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{1} has made a new post on the CEDI system. You may view it using the following link:\n[url="{2}"]{2}[/url]\n\nThe post is as follows:\n\n[quote="{1}"]{4}[/quote]
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New CEDI post
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Samurai Jack
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CEDI post count
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Samurai Jack
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Embeds the full images in the page instead of the preview pictures
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ID assistance tool
ID 支援ツール
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Samurai Jack
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Browse for IDs to insert…
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Samurai Jack
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The text from the posts you are merging has been placed in the message box: please edit it appropriately. Upon submission, the old posts will be erased and your new post will be left in their place.
Translated and reviewed by
Samurai Jack
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<p>You must enter in a special syntax in order to define the child pages underneath this page.</p><ul><li style="margin-bottom: 1em">To add a new page, just type the title you wish for it on a line of its own.<br />The new page will be automatically created and assigned an ID.<br />If you return to this page you will see its ID presented here.</li><li>To link to an existing page it's easiest to select using the ID assistance tool below.<br /> But you can get more control by doing it manually:<ol><li>enter a new line with the ID number of an existing page<br />(you can find this from the URL),</li><li>then an exclamation mark,</li><li>then a title of your choice.</li></ol></li></ul>
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