Translatable applications

There are no translatable projects in MySQL.

If a project for MySQL is not listed here, get in touch with Oracle/MySQL Engineering who is the administrator for the project group.

MySQL is translated with Open permissions.

Translatable projects

Other projects in MySQL

These projects are not yet set up for translation in Launchpad.

MySQL Replication Listener
MySQL Replication Listener
MySQL Connector/C++
MySQL Connector/C++
MySQL Connector/Python
MySQL Connector/Python
MySQL Tuning Primer Script
MySQL Tuning Primer Script
MySQL Autoconf Macros
MySQL Autoconf Macros
InfiniDB Community
InfiniDB Community
MySQL Server
MySQL Server
IKSI (Integrated Keep-Short Initiative)
IKSI (Integrated Keep-Short Initiative)
MySQL UDF sendudp()
MySQL UDF sendudp()
MySQL Connector/C
MySQL Connector/C
Infobright (ICE)
Infobright (ICE)
MySQL Replication Status Plugin
MySQL Replication Status Plugin
Gearman MySQL UDF
Gearman MySQL UDF
Sakila Server
Sakila Server
Random Query Generator
Random Query Generator
MySQL Wormhole SE
MySQL Wormhole SE
MySQL Proxy
MySQL Proxy
MySQL Utilities
MySQL Utilities
MySQL Forge
MySQL Forge
MySQL Data Dumper
MySQL Data Dumper
Sample database with test suite
Sample database with test suite
MySQL Community Replication Monitor
MySQL Community Replication Monitor
MySQL Presentation Repository
MySQL Presentation Repository
MySQL Connector/J
MySQL Connector/J
MySQL Connector/ODBC
MySQL Connector/ODBC
MySQL Workbench
MySQL Workbench
MySQL Fabric
MySQL Fabric
MySQL Connector/Net
MySQL Connector/Net
MySQL Sandbox
MySQL Sandbox