Click the *Save* button to accept your changes, or click *Cancel* to leave the block's content as it is. *Remove* is shown only when you place the block into the page for the first time.
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You can also click the *Close* button |close| in the top left-hand corner of the modal window to either remove a newly created block before it is being saved or to cancel any changes and leave the block's content as it is.
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If you do not have the "Open Badge Displayer" plugin installed, you can follow these next steps.
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Generate an iframe for your badge collection
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Copy the URL of your public collection.
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Create an iframe around it so you can embed it into a Mahara page.
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You can use the `Online iFrame generator <http://7thspace.com/webmaster_tools/iframe_generator.html>`_ for example to create your iFrame easily. Or you can copy this iframe code and replace the URL with your own.
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``<iframe src=”http://backpack.openbadges.org/share/da6db5b196b80bb3fda3d3e89a552028/” style=”border:0px #FFFFFF none;” scrolling=”no” frameborder=”1″ marginheight=”0px” marginwidth=”0px” height=”800px” width=”800px”></iframe>``
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Copy the entire iframe code.
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Embed your badge collection in a Mahara page
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