Insert an image into text
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You can add images to any text in two ways by using the same functionality:
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Link to the image that is available elsewhere online.
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Use an image that you have on Mahara.
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Images are easy to add to text. However, make sure that you have the permission to use the image you link or upload.
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Go to the visual editor and click on the *Image* button |tinymce_image|.
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**Image URL**: Paste or type the image URL to an external image into this field. It must start with *http://* or *https://*. You can then skip to step 7. If you are inserting an image from Mahara itself, the URL will be added automatically in the next steps.
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:index:`Files <single: Insert an image into text; Insert an image from Mahara into text>` area: Choose from which files area you would like to select an image:
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**My files**: You see all the folders and files that you have created.
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**Group files**: You see all the :ref:`folders and files that you are allowed to publish <group_files>`.
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