The online users to show to members of this institution. If users are allowed to be in multiple institutions and these have different settings, the most permissive institution settings will be used.
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lang/en.utf8/admin.php showonlineusersdescription
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lang/en.utf8/admin.php showonlineusersdescription
The default license for content created or uploaded by institution members. Users can override this on their account settings page and on the individual items.
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lang/en.utf8/admin.php licensedefaultdescription
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lang/en.utf8/admin.php licensedefaultdescription
If users are required to choose a license, you need to choose a default license here. If you do not want to choose a default license, do not make it required for users.
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lang/en.utf8/admin.php licensedefaultmandatory
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lang/en.utf8/admin.php licensedefaultmandatory
You can upload an image here that will be displayed to your institution's members in place of the standard header logo. For best results, this image should have the same dimensions as the site logo in your institution's theme. As each theme can have a different header height, no exact dimensions can be provided.
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lang/en.utf8/admin.php logodescription
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lang/en.utf8/admin.php logodescription
The list of users in the "%1$s" field shows all users who have asked to join your institution. You can use the search box to reduce the number of users displayed. If you would like to add users to the institution or decline their membership requests, first move some users to the "%2$s" field by selecting one or more users and then clicking on the right arrow. The "Add members" button will add all the users in the "%2$s" field to the institution. The "Decline requests" button will remove the membership requests of the users in the "%2$s" field.
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lang/en.utf8/admin.php institutionusersinstructionsrequesters1
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lang/en.utf8/admin.php institutionusersinstructionsrequesters1
The list of users in the "%1$s" field shows all users who are not yet members of your institution. You can use the search box to reduce the number of users displayed. To invite users to join the institution, first move some users to the "%2$s" field by selecting one or more users and then clicking on the right arrow button to move those users to the "%2$s" field. The "Invite users" button will send invitations to all the users in the "%2$s" field. These users will not be associated with the institution until they accept the invitation.
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lang/en.utf8/admin.php institutionusersinstructionsnonmembers1
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lang/en.utf8/admin.php institutionusersinstructionsnonmembers1
The list of users in the "%1$s" field shows all users who are not yet members of your institution and who have left the selected institution. You can use the search box to reduce the number of users displayed. To invite users to join the institution, first move some users to the "%2$s" field by selecting one or more users and then clicking on the right arrow to move those users to the "%2$s" list. The "Invite users" button will send invitations to all the users in the "%2$s". These users will not be associated with the institution until they accept the invitation.
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lang/en.utf8/admin.php institutionusersinstructionslastinstitution1
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lang/en.utf8/admin.php institutionusersinstructionslastinstitution1
The list of users in the "%1$s" field shows all members of the institution. You can use the search box to reduce the number of users displayed. To remove users from the institution, first move some users to the "%2$s" field by selecting one or more users and then clicking on the right arrow. The users you selected will move to the "%2$s" field. The "Remove users" button will remove all the users in the "%2$s" field from the institution.
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lang/en.utf8/admin.php institutionusersinstructionsmembers1
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lang/en.utf8/admin.php institutionusersinstructionsmembers1
The list of users in the "%1$s" field shows all users who have been sent an invitation to join the institution and who have not yet accepted or declined. You can use the search box to reduce the number of users displayed. To revoke invitations to the institution, first move some users to the "%2$s" field by selecting one or more users and then clicking on the right arrow. The users you selected will move to the "%2$s" field. The "Revoke invitations" button will remove all invitations to the users in the "%2$s" field. The other users will retain their invitations and will still be able to join at any time.
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lang/en.utf8/admin.php institutionusersinstructionsinvited1
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lang/en.utf8/admin.php institutionusersinstructionsinvited1
Your invitations were not sent. The number of existing members plus the number of outstanding invitations cannot exceed the institution's maximum number of users. You can invite fewer users, remove some users from the institution or ask the site administrator to increase the maximum number of users.
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lang/en.utf8/admin.php institutionuserserrortoomanyinvites
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lang/en.utf8/admin.php institutionuserserrortoomanyinvites