This page lists the most recently modified or commented on pages that have been shared with you. They may have been shared with you directly, shared with friends of the owner, or shared with one of your groups.
Context: |
lang/en.utf8/view.php sharedviewsdescription
(no translation yet)
Located in
lang/en.utf8/view.php sharedviewsdescription
Context: |
notification/email/lang/en.utf8/notification.email.php emailsubject
Translated by
Sveta Ilicheva
Located in
notification/email/lang/en.utf8/notification.email.php emailsubject
You have been sent a notification from %s. Message follows:
Context: |
notification/email/lang/en.utf8/notification.email.php emailheader
Вам было отправлено уведомление от %s. Содержание сообщения:
Translated by
Sveta Ilicheva
Located in
notification/email/lang/en.utf8/notification.email.php emailheader
This is an auto generated notification from %s. To update your notification preferences, visit %s
Context: |
notification/email/lang/en.utf8/notification.email.php emailfooter
Это автоматически сгенерированное уведомление от %s. Чтобы обновить настройки уведомлений, посетите %s
Translated by
Sveta Ilicheva
Located in
notification/email/lang/en.utf8/notification.email.php emailfooter
See %s
Context: |
notification/email/lang/en.utf8/notification.email.php referurl
Посмотреть %s
Translated by
Sveta Ilicheva
Located in
notification/email/lang/en.utf8/notification.email.php referurl
Context: |
notification/email/lang/en.utf8/notification.email.php name
Электронная почта
Translated by
Sveta Ilicheva
Located in
notification/email/lang/en.utf8/notification.email.php name
Message from %s: Daily digest
Context: |
notification/emaildigest/lang/en.utf8/notification.emaildigest.php emailsubject
Сообщение от %s: Ежедневная сводка
Translated by
Sveta Ilicheva
Located in
notification/emaildigest/lang/en.utf8/notification.emaildigest.php emailsubject
Context: |
notification/emaildigest/lang/en.utf8/notification.emaildigest.php emailbodynoreply
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
Translated by
Sveta Ilicheva
Located in
notification/emaildigest/lang/en.utf8/notification.emaildigest.php emailbodynoreply
To update your notification preferences, visit %s
Context: |
notification/emaildigest/lang/en.utf8/notification.emaildigest.php emailbodyending
Чтобы обновить настройки уведомлений, посетите %s
Translated by
Sveta Ilicheva
Located in
notification/emaildigest/lang/en.utf8/notification.emaildigest.php emailbodyending
Email digest
Context: |
notification/emaildigest/lang/en.utf8/notification.emaildigest.php name
Электронная почта Дайджест
Translated by
Sveta Ilicheva
Located in
notification/emaildigest/lang/en.utf8/notification.emaildigest.php name