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interaction/forum/lang/en.utf8/interaction.forum.php addtitle
Tāpiri wānanga
Translated by
Richard Mansfield
Located in
interaction/forum/lang/en.utf8/interaction.forum.php addtitle
Add topic
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interaction/forum/lang/en.utf8/interaction.forum.php addtopic
Tāpiri kaupapa
Translated by
Richard Mansfield
Located in
interaction/forum/lang/en.utf8/interaction.forum.php addtopic
Added topic successfully
Context: |
interaction/forum/lang/en.utf8/interaction.forum.php addtopicsuccess
Kua angitu te tāpiri kaupapa
Translated by
Richard Mansfield
Located in
interaction/forum/lang/en.utf8/interaction.forum.php addtopicsuccess
Automatically subscribe users?
Context: |
interaction/forum/lang/en.utf8/interaction.forum.php autosubscribeusers
Ohauru aunoatia ngā kaiwhakamahi?
Translated by
Richard Mansfield
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interaction/forum/lang/en.utf8/interaction.forum.php autosubscribeusers
Choose whether group users will automatically be subscribed to this forum
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interaction/forum/lang/en.utf8/interaction.forum.php autosubscribeusersdescription
Kōwhiri mēnā ka ohauru aunoatia ngā kaiwhakamahi ki tēnei wānanga
Translated by
Richard Mansfield
Located in
interaction/forum/lang/en.utf8/interaction.forum.php autosubscribeusersdescription
Context: |
interaction/forum/lang/en.utf8/interaction.forum.php Body
Translated by
Richard Mansfield
Located in
interaction/forum/lang/en.utf8/interaction.forum.php Body
You are not allowed to post in this forum
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interaction/forum/lang/en.utf8/interaction.forum.php cantaddposttoforum
Kāore koe e whakaaetia ki te tuku tarenga ki tēnei wānanga
Translated by
Cecilia Vela Gurovic
Located in
interaction/forum/lang/en.utf8/interaction.forum.php cantaddposttoforum
You are not allowed to post in this topic
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interaction/forum/lang/en.utf8/interaction.forum.php cantaddposttotopic
Kāore koe e whakaaetia ki te tuku tarenga ki tēnei kaupapa
Translated by
Cecilia Vela Gurovic
Located in
interaction/forum/lang/en.utf8/interaction.forum.php cantaddposttotopic
You are not allowed to add topics to this forum
Context: |
interaction/forum/lang/en.utf8/interaction.forum.php cantaddtopic
Kāore koe e whakaaetia ki te tāpiri kaupapa ki tēnei wānanga
Translated by
Richard Mansfield
Located in
interaction/forum/lang/en.utf8/interaction.forum.php cantaddtopic
You are not allowed to delete posts in this forum
Context: |
interaction/forum/lang/en.utf8/interaction.forum.php cantdeletepost
Kāore koe e whakaaetia ki te muku tarenga ki tēnei wānanga
Translated by
Cecilia Vela Gurovic
Located in
interaction/forum/lang/en.utf8/interaction.forum.php cantdeletepost