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1827 of 105 results
Compiz is a very impressive window manager, very configurable and full of amazing effects and animations. It is however the least reliable and the least stable.
Compiz er verulega öflugur gluggastjóri, stillanlegur á alla kanta og fullur af áhrifamiklum sjónhverfingum og hreyfibrellum. Aftur á móti er hann kannski sá sem síst er hægt að treysta til að virka fullkomlega og getur verið nokkuð óstöðugur.
Translated by Sveinn í Felli
Located in usr/share/help/C/mintdesktop/
Compiz is installed by default in Linux Mint. Note: It is not available in LMDE.
Compiz er sjálfgefið uppsettur í Linux Mint. Athugaðu: Hann er ekki tiltækur í LMDE.
Translated by Sveinn í Felli
Located in usr/share/help/C/mintdesktop/
Translated and reviewed by Sveinn í Felli
Located in usr/share/help/C/mintdesktop/
Compton is a compositing manager. It can be used in combination with windows managers such as Marco, Metacity or Xfwm4. In Xfce, using Xfwm4+Compton is known to reduce screen tearing.
Compton er skjásamsetningarstjóri. Hægt er að nota hann með gluggastjórum á borð við Marco, Metacity eða Xfwm4. Í Xfce er notkun Xfwm4+Compton þekkt fyrir að minnka skjálínuvíxl (screen tearing).
Translated by Sveinn í Felli
Located in usr/share/help/C/mintdesktop/
If Compton is not installed already, you can install it with <cmd>apt install compton</cmd>.
Ef Compton er ekki þegar uppsettur, geturðu sett hann upp með því að skrifa <cmd>apt install compton</cmd>.
Translated by Sveinn í Felli
Located in usr/share/help/C/mintdesktop/
Translated and reviewed by Sveinn í Felli
Located in usr/share/help/C/mintdesktop/ usr/lib/linuxmint/mintdesktop/ usr/lib/linuxmint/mintdesktop/
Openbox is a fast and light-weight window manager.
Openbox er léttur og hraðvirkur gluggastjóri.
Translated by Sveinn í Felli
Located in usr/share/help/C/mintdesktop/
If Openbox is not installed already, you can install it with <cmd>apt install openbox</cmd>.
Ef Openbox er ekki þegar uppsettur, geturðu sett hann upp með því að skrifa <cmd>apt install openbox</cmd>.
Translated by Sveinn í Felli
Located in usr/share/help/C/mintdesktop/
Desktop Settings
Translated and reviewed by Sveinn í Felli
Located in usr/share/help/C/mintdesktop/ usr/lib/linuxmint/mintdesktop/ generate_desktop_files:26
Welcome to Desktop Settings.
Velkomin í skjáborðsstillingahlutann
Translated and reviewed by Sveinn í Felli
Located in usr/share/help/C/mintdesktop/
1827 of 105 results

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Contributors to this translation: Sveinn í Felli.