Insert your USB stick (or DVD) into the computer.
USB flesh-diskini (yoki DVD) kompyuterga joylashtiring.
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Umidjon Almasov
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Restart the computer.
Kompyuterni qayta ishga tushiring.
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Umidjon Almasov
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../../boot.rst:8 ../../drivers.rst:23 ../../efi.rst:61 ../../oem.rst:21
Before your computer boots your current operating system (Windows, Mac, Linux) you should see your `BIOS <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BIOS>`_ loading screen. Check the screen or your computer's documentation to know which key to press and instruct your computer to boot on USB (or DVD).
Kompyuteringiz joriy operatsion tizimingizni (Windows, Mac, Linux) yuklashdan oldin siz `BIOS <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BIOS>`_ yuklash ekranini ko‘rishingiz kerak. Qaysi tugmani bosish kerakligini bilish uchun ekranni yoki kompyuteringiz hujjatlarini tekshiring va kompyuteringizga USB (yoki DVD) orqali yuklashni buyuring.
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Umidjon Almasov
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Most BIOS have a special key you can press to select the boot device and all of them have a special key to enter the BIOS configuration screen (from which you can define the boot order). Depending on the BIOS, these special keys can be :kbd:`Escape`, :kbd:`F1`, :kbd:`F2`, :kbd:`F8`, :kbd:`F10`, :kbd:`F11`, :kbd:`F12`, or :kbd:`Delete`. That information is usually briefly written on the screen during the boot sequence.
Ko‘pgina BIOS-da yuklash moslamasini tanlash uchun bosishingiz mumkin bo‘lgan maxsus kalit mavjud va ularning barchasida BIOS konfiguratsiya ekraniga kirish uchun maxsus kalit mavjud (ulardan yuklash tartibini belgilashingiz mumkin). BIOS-ga qarab, bu maxsus kalitlar :kbd:`Escape`, :kbd:`F1`, :kbd:`F2`, :kbd:`F8`, :kbd:`F10`, :kbd:`F11 bo‘lishi mumkin. `, :kbd:`F12` yoki :kbd:`Delete`. Ushbu ma'lumot odatda yuklash ketma-ketligi paytida ekranda qisqacha yoziladi.
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Umidjon Almasov
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On Macs, keep your finger pressed on the :kbd:`Alt` or :kbd:`Option` key after hearing the boot sound.
Mac kompyuterlarida yuklash ovozini eshitgandan so‘ng barmog‘ingizni :kbd:`Alt` yoki :kbd:`Option` tugmachasini bosib turing.
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Umidjon Almasov
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The Linux Mint ISO can be booted both in EFI or BIOS mode. In EFI mode it shows a grub menu. In BIOS mode it shows an isolinux menu.
Linux Mint ISO ham EFI, ham BIOS rejimida yuklanishi mumkin. EFI rejimida u grub menyusini ko‘rsatadi. BIOS rejimida u isolinux menyusini ko‘rsatadi.
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Umidjon Almasov
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The isolinux menu in BIOS mode
BIOS rejimida isolinux menyusi
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Umidjon Almasov
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The grub menu in EFI mode
EFI rejimida grub menyusi
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Umidjon Almasov
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From one of these menu, press :kbd:`Enter` to start Linux Mint from your USB stick (or DVD).
USB flesh-diskidan (yoki DVD) Linux Mint dasturini ishga tushirish uchun ushbu menyulardan birida :kbd:`Enter` tugmasini bosing.
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Umidjon Almasov
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Create the bootable media
Yuklanadigan media yaratish
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Umidjon Almasov
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