Boot options
Boot valtøkur
Translated and reviewed by
Richard Schwartson
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Some graphics cards and motherboards don't work well with the open-source drivers present in Linux Mint by default.
Summi grafikk kort og motherboards sampakka ikki sjálvagild við open-source dreivarir í Linux Mint
Translated and reviewed by
Richard Schwartson
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Compatibility mode
Sambærlig støða
Translated and reviewed by
Richard Schwartson
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The easiest option is to select ``compatibility mode`` from the USB stick (or DVD) boot menu.
Lættasti valmøguleiki er at velja ``sambærlig støða`` frá USB geyma (ella DVD) boot valmyndini
Translated and reviewed by
Richard Schwartson
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Grub menu (EFI mode)
Grub valmynd (EFI støða)
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Richard Schwartson
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Isolinux menu (BIOS mode)
Isolinux valmynd (BIOS støða)
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Richard Schwartson
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If that doesn't work, you can try the ``nomodeset`` boot option.
Um hetta ikki vísir seg at virka kanst tú royna ``nomodeset`` boot møguleikan
Translated and reviewed by
Richard Schwartson
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Nomodeset boot option
Momodeset boot valmøguleiki
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Richard Schwartson
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In EFI mode, highlight the ``Start Linux Mint`` option and press :kbd:`e` to modify the boot options.
Í EFI støðu, hálýs ``Start Linux Mint`` møguleikan og trýst :kbd:`e` fyri at broyta boot møguleikarnar
Translated and reviewed by
Richard Schwartson
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Replace ``quiet splash`` with ``nomodeset`` and press :kbd:`F10` to boot.
Set ``nomodeset`` í staðin fyri ``quiet splash`` og trýst :kbd:`F10` fyri at boota
Translated and reviewed by
Richard Schwartson
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