Linux Mint is also involved in the development of MATE, a classic desktop environment which is the continuation of GNOME 2, Linux Mint's default desktop between 2006 and 2011. Although it misses a few features and its development is slower than Cinnamon's, MATE uses less resources and can run faster on older computers.
Linux Mint MATEren garapenean sartuta dago, GNOME 2ren jarraipena den mahaigain ingurune klasiko bat, Linux Minten mahaigain lehenetsia izan zen 2006 eta 2011 artean. Ezaugarri berri batzuk falta dituen arren eta bere garapena Cinnamonena baino motelagoa bada ere, MATEk baliabide gutxiago behar ditu eta azkarrago dabil ordenagailu zaharretan.
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Asier Iturralde Sarasola
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Xfce is a lightweight desktop environment. It doesn't support as many features as Cinnamon or MATE, but it's extremely stable and very light on resource usage.
Xfce mahaigain ingurune arin bat da. Ez ditu Cinnamon edo MATEk adina ezaugarri baina izugarri egonkorra da eta oso baliabide gutxi behar ditu.
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Asier Iturralde Sarasola
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Of course, all three desktops are great and Linux Mint is extremely proud of each edition. Although there are more features and better support in some editions than others, and some do run faster and use less resources than others, they're all great alternatives and choosing the right edition is largely a matter of taste.
Hiru mahaigainak bikainak dira eta Linux Mint oso harro dago edizio guztietaz. Edizio batzuetan besteetan baino ezaugarri gehiago eta euskarri hobea dago, batzuk azkarrago exekutatzen dira edo baliabide gutxiago behar dituzte, baina guztiak dira primerakoak eta edizio egokia aukeratzea neurri handi batean gustu kontua da.
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Asier Iturralde Sarasola
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Other than their features and performance, Cinnamon, MATE and Xfce also represent three different desktop environments, with different menus, different panels and configuration tools. The right one for you is the one where you feel at home.
Ezaugarri eta errendimendu desberdina izateaz gain, Cinnamon, MATE eta Xfce-k hiru mahaigain ingurune desberdin ordezkatzen dituzte eta menu, panel eta konfigurazio tresna desberdinak dituzte. Zuretzako egokiena etxean sentiarazten zaituena da.
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Asier Iturralde Sarasola
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If you are unsure which desktop to choose start with the Cinnamon edition. Try them all eventually when you have the time. All three of them have their own audience within the Linux Mint community and they're all very popular.
Ez bazaude ziur, erabili Cinnamon edizioa. Gainerakoak proba itzazu denbora duzunean. Hiruek dituzte zaleak Linux Mint komunitatean eta oso estimatuak dira.
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Asier Iturralde Sarasola
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32-bit or 64-bit?
32 bit edo 64 bit?
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Asier Iturralde Sarasola
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From version 20 onward, only 64-bit is available.
20 bertsiotik aurrera, 64 bitekoa bakarrik dago erabilgarri.
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Asier Iturralde Sarasola
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The 32-bit ISO images on prior versions are provided for compatibility with older computers. 32-bit processors are extremely rare nowadays and most computers are able to run in 64-bit. If your computer was manufactured after 2007, you probably have a 64-bit processor.
Aurreko bertsioen 32 biteko ISO irudiak ordenagailu zaharrekin bateragarritasuna izateko ematen dira. 32 biteko prozesatzaileak oso arraroak dira gaur egun eta ordenagailu gehienek 64 bitekoak darabiltzate. Zure ordenagailua 2007 ondoren egindakoa bada, ziur aski 64 biteko prozesatzaile bat daukazu.
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Asier Iturralde Sarasola
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If you have an old computer and you are unsure whether or not it can run in 64-bit, read `X86 Chronology <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86#Chronology>`_.
Ordenagailu zahar bat baduzu eta ez bazaude ziur 64 bitetan funtziona dezakeen ala ez, irakurri `X86 Chronology <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/X86#Chronology>`_.
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Clement Lefebvre
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You can try to boot Linux Mint 64-bit on your computer. If it isn't compatible, nothing bad will happen. You will just get an error message.
Zure ordenagailuan Linux Mint 64 bit abiarazten saia zaitezke. Ez bada bateragarria ez da ezer txarrik pasako. Errore-mezu bat jasoko duzu, besterik ez.
Translated and reviewed by
Asier Iturralde Sarasola
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