Connect to the Internet.
Konektatu Internetera
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Asier Iturralde Sarasola
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If you are connected to the Internet, tick the box to install the multimedia codecs.
Internetera konektatuta bazaude, markatu multimedia kodekak instalatzeko kontrol-laukia.
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Asier Iturralde Sarasola
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Choose an installation type.
Aukeratu instalazio mota.
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Asier Iturralde Sarasola
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If Linux Mint is the only operating system you want to run on this computer and all data can be lost on the hard drive, choose :guilabel:`Erase disk and install Linux Mint`.
Ordenagailu honetan exekutatu nahi duzun sistema eragile bakarra Linux Mint bada eta disko gogorreko datu guztiak galtzea berdin bazaizu, aukeratu :guilabel:`Ezabatu diskoa eta instalatu Linux Mint`.
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Asier Iturralde Sarasola
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:guilabel:`Encrypt the new Linux Mint installation for security` refers to full disk encryption. At this stage of the installation your keyboard layout wasn't yet selected so it is set to en_US. If you decide to use this option, keep this in mind when entering a password. Note that there are issues with this option and some NVIDIA drivers. If you are new to Linux use home directory encryption instead (you can select it later during the installation).
:guilabel:`Enkriptatu Linux Mint berriaren instalazioa segurtasunagatik` aukerak disko osoa enkriptatzea adierazten du. Instalazioaren fase honetan teklatuaren diseinua hautatu gabe dago oraindik eta horregatik en_US ezarri da. Aukera hau erabiltzea hautatzen baduzu, gogoan izan ezazu pasahitza sartzean. Kontutan izan aukera honek arazoak ematen dituela NVIDIA kontrolatzaile batzuekin. Linuxen munduan hasi berria bazara hobe duzu karpeta nagusia enkriptatzea (aurrerago hautatu dezakezu).
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Asier Iturralde Sarasola
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If another operating system is present on the computer, the installer shows you an option to install Linux Mint alongside it. If you choose this option, the installer automatically resizes your existing operating system, makes room and installs Linux Mint beside it. A boot menu is set up to choose between the two operating systems each time you start your computer.
Ordenagailuan beste sistema eragile bat badago, instalatzaileak Linux Mint haren alboan instalatzeko aukera erakusten du. Aukera hau hautatzen baduzu, instalatzaileak automatikoki aldatuko du tamainaz dagoeneko instalatuta dagoen sistema eragilea, lekua egin eta alboan Linux Mint instalatzeko. Abioko menuak ordenagailua abiarazten duzun bakoitzean bi sistema eragileen artean hautatzeko aukera emango dizu.
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Asier Iturralde Sarasola
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If you want to manage the partitions or specify which partitions to use, select :guilabel:`Something else`.
Partizioak kudeatu nahi badituzu edo zein partizio erabili zehaztu nahi baduzu hautatu :guilabel:`Beste zerbait`.
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Asier Iturralde Sarasola
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Linux Mint requires one partition to be mounted on the root ``/`` directory.
Linux Mintek partizio bat ``/`` erroko direktorioan muntatzea eskatzen du.
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Asier Iturralde Sarasola
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The Linux Mint operating system (without additional software or personal data) takes roughly 15GB, so give this partition a decent size (100GB or more).
Linux Mint sistema eragileak (software gehigarri edo datu pertsonalik gabe) 15GB inguru behar ditu. Eman iezaiozu partizio honi tamaina egoki bat (100GB edo gehiago).
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Asier Iturralde Sarasola
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``ext4`` is recommended. It is the most popular Linux filesystem.
``ext4`` gomendatzen da. Linux fitxategi-sistemarik ezagunena da.
Translated and reviewed by
Asier Iturralde Sarasola
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