Install and use ``xfburn``.
Nainstalujte a použijte ``xfburn``.
Translated and reviewed by
Clement Lefebvre
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In Windows
V systému Microsoft Windows
Translated and reviewed by
Pavel Borecki
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Right-click the ISO file and select :menuselection:`Burn disk image`.
Pravým tlačítkem klikněte na ISO soubor a zvolte :menuselection:`Vypálit obraz disku`.
Translated and reviewed by
Pavel Borecki
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To make sure the ISO was burned without any errors, select :menuselection:`Verify disc after burning`.
Pro ověření, že ISO bylo vypáleno bez chyb, vyberte :menuselection:`Ověřit disk po vypálení`.
Translated and reviewed by
Pavel Borecki
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In Mac OS
V systému Apple macOS
Translated and reviewed by
Pavel Borecki
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Right-click the ISO file and select :menuselection:`Burn Disk Image to Disc`.
Klikněte pravým tlačítkem myši na ISO soubor a vyberte :menuselection:`Vypálit obraz na disk`.
Translated and reviewed by
Pavel Borecki
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Choose the right edition
Volba vhodné varianty
Translated and reviewed by
Pavel Borecki
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You can download Linux Mint from the `Linux Mint website <https://linuxmint.com/download.php>`_.
Linux Mint je možné si stáhnout z `webových stránek projektu <https://linuxmint.com/download.php>`_.
Translated and reviewed by
Pavel Borecki
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Read below to choose which edition and architecture are right for you.
Níže si přečtěte jak zvolit pro vás nejvhodnější vydání a architekturu.
Translated and reviewed by
Pavel Borecki
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Cinnamon, MATE or Xfce?
Cinnamon, MATE neb Xfce?
Translated and reviewed by
Pavel Borecki
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