Install an older release
አሮጌ እትም መግጠሚያ
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If your computer has compatibility issues with the latest Linux Mint release, install a previous release from the same Linux Mint series.
የ እርስዎ ኮምፒዩተር የ መስማማት ችግር ከ ገጠመው ከ ዘመናዊው ሊነክስ ሚንት ጋር: ያለፈውን እትም ይግጠሙ ከ ተመሳሳይ ሊነክስ ሚንት ዝርያ ውስጥ
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For instance, if you can't install Linux Mint 18.3 (which comes with a 4.10 kernel), install Linux Mint 18 (which comes with a 4.4 kernel) and upgrade to 18.3.
ለምሳሌ: እርስዎ መግጠም ካልቻሉ ሊነክስ ሚንት 18.3 (የሚመጣው ከ 4.10 ከረኔል ጋር ነው) ይግጠሙ ሊነክስ ሚንት 18 (የሚመጣው ከ 4.4 ከረኔል ጋር ነው) እና ማሻሻያ ወደ 18.3.
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The first release in each series uses an LTS (Long Term Support) kernel. Upgrading from this release to the latest one in the series does not change your kernel.
በ መጀመሪያ የሚለቀቀው እትም የሚጠቀመው LTS (ለ ረጅም ጊዜ ድጋፍ) ከረኔል ነው: ይህን እትም ማሻሻል ወደ ዘመናዊው እትም ከረኔሉን አይቀይረውም
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Boot Linux Mint
ሊነክስ ሚንት ማስነሻ
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Now that you have Linux Mint on a USB stick (or DVD) boot the computer from it.
እርስዎ አሁን ሊነክስ ሚንት በ USB stick (ወይንም ዲቪዲ) አለዎት: ኮምፒዩተሩን ያስነሱ
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Insert your USB stick (or DVD) into the computer.
ያስገቡ የ እርስዎን USB stick (ወይንም ዲቪዲ) ወደ ኮምፒዩተር ውስጥ
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Restart the computer.
ኮምፒዩተሩን እንደገና ያስጀምሩ
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../../boot.rst:8 ../../drivers.rst:23 ../../efi.rst:61 ../../oem.rst:21
Before your computer boots your current operating system (Windows, Mac, Linux) you should see your `BIOS <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BIOS>`_ loading screen. Check the screen or your computer's documentation to know which key to press and instruct your computer to boot on USB (or DVD).
የ እርስዎ ኮምፒዩተር የ ነበረውን የ መስሪያ ስርአት ከ መጫኑ በፊት (Windows, Mac, Linux) አንዱን ለ እርስዎ መታየት አለበት ይህ `BIOS <https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/BIOS>`_ loading screen. የ እርስዎን ኮምፒዩተር መመልከቻ ሰነድ ይመርምሩ የትኛውን ቁልፍ ሲጫኑ የ እርስዎን ኮምፒዩተር ማስነሻ እንደሚቀየር ወደ USB (ወይንም ዲቪዲ) ማስጀመሪያ
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Most BIOS have a special key you can press to select the boot device and all of them have a special key to enter the BIOS configuration screen (from which you can define the boot order). Depending on the BIOS, these special keys can be :kbd:`Escape`, :kbd:`F1`, :kbd:`F2`, :kbd:`F8`, :kbd:`F10`, :kbd:`F11`, :kbd:`F12`, or :kbd:`Delete`. That information is usually briefly written on the screen during the boot sequence.
በርካታ BIOS የ ተለየ ቁልፍ አላቸው: እርስዎ የሚጫኑት የ ማስነሻ አካል ለ መምረጥ: እና ሁሉም የ ተለየ መግቢያ ቁልፍ አላቸው ወደ BIOS ማሰናጃ መመልከቻ ለ መግባት (እርስዎ የ ማስነሻ ቅደም ተከተል የሚመርጡበት): ይህ ሁኔታ እንደ የ BIOS, አይነት ይለያያል: እነዚህ የ ተለዩ ቁልፎች መሆን ይችላሉ እንደ :kbd:`Escape`, :kbd:`F1`, :kbd:`F2`, :kbd:`F8`, :kbd:`F10`, :kbd:`F11`, :kbd:`F12` ወይንም :kbd:`Delete`. ይህ መረጃ አብዛኛውን ጊዜ ኮምፒዩተሩ በሚነሳበት ጊዜ በ መመልከቻው ላይ ይታያል:
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Clement Lefebvre
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