Options can be grouped in clusters, so <screen>ls -sh</screen> is the same command as <screen> ls -s -h</screen> Most options have a long version, prefixed with two dashes instead of one, so <screen>ls --size --human-readable</screen> is also the same command as <screen>ls -sh</screen>
Le opzioni possono essere raggruppate in una sola, dunque <screen>ls -sh</screen> è lo stesso comando di <screen> ls -s -h</screen> Molte opzioni comprendono una versione estesa, preceduta da due trattini anziché uno, quindi il comando <screen>ls --size --human-readable</screen> è uguale a <screen>ls -sh</screen>
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Valter Mura
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<quote>Man</quote> and Getting Help
<quote>Man</quote> e ottenere aiuto
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Valter Mura
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<emphasis role="strong"><emphasis>command</emphasis> --help</emphasis> and <command>man</command><emphasis role="strong"><emphasis>command</emphasis></emphasis> are the two most important tools at the command line.
<emphasis role="strong"><emphasis>comando</emphasis> --help</emphasis> e <command>man</command><emphasis role="strong"><emphasis>comando</emphasis></emphasis> sono gli strumenti più importanti per la riga di comando.
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Valter Mura
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Virtually all commands understand the <command>-h</command> (or <command>--help</command>) option which will produce a short usage description of the command and its options, then exit back to the command prompt. Type: <screen>man -h</screen> or <screen>man --help</screen> to see this in action.
Quasi tutti i comandi dispongono dell'opzione <command>-h</command> (o <command>--help</command>), che visualizza un breve messaggio sull'utilizzo del comando e le sue opzioni e quindi ritorna al prompt. Digitat: <screen>man -h</screen> o <screen>man --help</screen> per visualizzare queste opzioni.
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Valter Mura
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Every command and nearly every application in Linux has a <abbrev>man</abbrev> (manual) file. It is as simple as typing <command>man command</command> to bring up a longer manual entry for the specified command. For example: <screen>man mv</screen> brings up the <command>mv</command> manual.
Ogni comando e quasi ogni applicazione in Linux ha un file <abbrev>man</abbrev> (di manuale). Per trovarli, basta semplicemente digitare <command>man command</command> per avere tutto il manuale. Per esempio: <screen>man mv</screen> visualizza il manuale del comando <command>mv</command>.
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Valter Mura
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Move up and down the man file with the arrow keys, and quit back to the command prompt with <keycap>q</keycap>.
Per spostarsi all'interno del manuale usare le frecce direzionali, per tornare alla riga di comando digitare <keycap>q</keycap>.
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Valter Mura
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<screen>man man</screen> brings up the manual entry for the <command>man</command> command, which is a good place to start.
<screen>man man</screen> visualizza il manuale del comando <command>man</command>, un buon punto di partenza.
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Valter Mura
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<screen>man intro</screen> is especially useful. It displays the <quote>introduction to user commands</quote> which is a well-written, brief introduction to the Linux command line.
Il comando <screen>man intro</screen> è molto utile, visualizza la <quote>introduction to user commands</quote> una breve introduzione ben scritta alla riga di comando di Linux.
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Valter Mura
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There are also <command>info</command> pages, which generally go into more detail than <command>man</command> pages. Try: <screen>info info</screen> for the introduction to info pages.
Ci sono anche le pagine <command>info</command>, solitamente più dettagliate delle pagine <command>man</command>. Provate: <screen>info info</screen> per l'introduzione alle pagine info.
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Valter Mura
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Searching for man files
Cercare i file man
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Valter Mura
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