Enable this option to keep Do from popping up as soon as it starts.
Engedélyezze ezt a beállítást, hogy induláskor ne ugorjon fel rögtön a Do.
Translated by
Gergely Szarka
Reviewed by
TÖRÖK Attila
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Do summon keybinding.
Billentyűparancs a Do előhívásához.
Translated and reviewed by
Gergely Szarka
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Set this to the key command you would like to use to summon Do.
A Do előhívásához használandó billentyűparancs.
Translated and reviewed by
Gabor Kelemen
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Key used to enter text mode.
Billentyű a szöveges módba lépéshez
Translated and reviewed by
TÖRÖK Attila
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Set this to the character that should be used to enter text mode.
A szöveges módba lépéshez használandó karakter.
Translated and reviewed by
Gabor Kelemen
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Do UI theme
A Do megjelenése
Translated by
Gergely Szarka
Reviewed by
TÖRÖK Attila
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Changes the appearence of Do. Valid entries are Classic, Glass Frame, and Mini.
A Do megjelenését változtatja. Lehetséges értékek: Classic, Glass Frame és Mini.
Translated and reviewed by
Gabor Kelemen
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Force classic window
(no translation yet)
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Force classic window rendering (disable composite rendering).
(no translation yet)
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