Always show results window.
Mostra sempre la finestra de resultats.
Translated and reviewed by
Xisco Faulí Tarazona
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Whether the results window will always show.
Si s'ha de mostrar sempre la finestra de resultats.
Translated and reviewed by
Joan Duran
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Hide main window when Do starts.
Oculta la finestra principal quan s'iniciï el Do.
Translated and reviewed by
Alfredo Hernández
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Enable this option to keep Do from popping up as soon as it starts.
Habiliteu aquesta opció per evitar que el Do es mostri tan bon punt s'iniciï.
Translated and reviewed by
Alfredo Hernández
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Do summon keybinding.
Assignació de la tecla d'invocació del Do
Translated and reviewed by
Joan Duran
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Set this to the key command you would like to use to summon Do.
Poseu això en la tecla d'ordre que s'hauria utilitzar per a invocar el Do.
Translated and reviewed by
Alfredo Hernández
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Key used to enter text mode.
Tecla utilitzada per a entrar al mode de text.
Translated and reviewed by
Alfredo Hernández
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Set this to the character that should be used to enter text mode.
Poseu això en el caràcter que s'hauria d'utilitzar per entrar en mode text.
Translated and reviewed by
Alfredo Hernández
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Do UI theme
Tema d'interfície d'usuari del Do
Translated and reviewed by
Alfredo Hernández
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Changes the appearence of Do. Valid entries are Classic, Glass Frame, and Mini.
Canvia l'aparença del Do. Les entrades valides són Classic (Clàssic), Glass Frame (Marc transparent) i Mini.
Translated and reviewed by
Alfredo Hernández
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