Play chess across 3 boards!
Igrajte šah na 3 šahovnicah!
Translated and reviewed by
Andrej Znidarsic
Located in
Package: 3dchess
There are three boards, stacked vertically; 96 pieces of which most are the traditional chess pieces with just a couple of additions; 26 possible directions in which to move. Provides a challenging enough game to all but the most highly skilled players.
Imate tri navpično zložene šahovnice, 96 figur od katerih je večina običajnih šahovskih figur ter 26 mogočih smeri premikanja. Zagotavlja dovolj zahtevno igro za vse razen najboljše igralce.
Translated and reviewed by
Andrej Znidarsic
Located in
Package: 3dchess
visualisation and analysis for single valued point data
predočenje in analiza enojno vrednotene podatkovne točke
Translated and reviewed by
Valentin Hegediš
Located in
Package: 3depict
This program provides a graphical interface for the scientific analysis of real valued point data (x,y,z,value). This is primarily targeted towards Atom probe tomography applications, but may prove useful to other applications as well.
Ta program zagotavlja grafični vmesnik za znanstveno analizo točkovnih podatkov realnih vrednosti (vrednost x,y,z). Program je namenjen predvsem ta uporabo v tomografiji, vendar je lahko uporaben tudi za druge namene.
Translated and reviewed by
Andrej Znidarsic
Located in
Package: 3depict
Packet Capture and Interception for Switched Networks
Zajemanje in prestrezanje paketov za omrežja s stikali
Translated and reviewed by
Andrej Znidarsic
Located in
Package: 4g8
4G8 allows you to capture traffic from a third party in a switched environment at the expense of a slight increase in latency to that third party host. Utilizing ARP cache poisoning, packet capture and packet reconstruction techniques, 4G8 works with nearly all TCP, ICMP and UDP IPv4 traffic flows.
4G8 vam omogoča zajemanje prometa tretjih oseb v okolju stikal na račun rahlega povečanja zamika gostitelju tretje osebe. Z uporabo zastrupljanja pomnilnika ARP in tehnikami zajemanja in ponovne izgradnje paketov 4G8 deluje s skoraj vsemi pretoki prometa TCP, ICMP in UDP IPv4.
Translated and reviewed by
Andrej Znidarsic
Located in
Package: 4g8
TCP proxy for non-IPv6 applications
Posredniški strežnik TCP za ne-IPv6 programe
Translated and reviewed by
Andrej Znidarsic
Located in
Package: 6tunnel
6tunnel allows you to use services provided by IPv6 hosts with IPv4-only applications and vice versa. It can bind to any of your IPv4 or IPv6 addresses and forward all data to IPv4 or IPv6 host.
6tunnel vam omogoča uporabo storitev gostiteljev IPv6 z le IPv4 programi in obratno. Veže se lahko na katerikoli vaš naslov IPv4 ali IPv6 in posreduje vse podatke gostitelju IPv4 ali IPv6.
Translated and reviewed by
Andrej Znidarsic
Located in
Package: 6tunnel
It can be used for example as an IPv6-capable IRC proxy.
Uporabi se lahko na primer kot IPv6 zmožen posredniški strežnik IRC.
Translated and reviewed by
Andrej Znidarsic
Located in
Package: 6tunnel
Plan 9 userland tools
Orodja uporabniškega okolja Plan 9
Translated and reviewed by
Andrej Znidarsic
Located in
Package: 9base