Ping utility to determine directional packet loss
Pripomoček ukaza ping za določanje usmerjene izgube paketov
Translated and reviewed by
Valentin Hegediš
Located in
Package: 2ping
2ping is a bi-directional ping utility. It uses 3-way pings (akin to TCP SYN, SYN/ACK, ACK) and after-the-fact state comparison between a 2ping listener and a 2ping client to determine which direction packet loss occurs.
2ping je dvosmerni pripomoček ukaza ping. Uporablja 3-smerne ukaze ping (podobno TCP SYN, SYN/ACK, ACK) in primerjavo stanja po dejstvu med poslušalnikom in odjemalcem 2ping za določitev katera smer izgube paketov se zgodi.
Translated and reviewed by
Andrej Znidarsic
Located in
Package: 2ping
perl script to convert an addressbook to VCARD file format
pearl skript za pretvorbo imenika v datotečno vrsto VCARD
Translated and reviewed by
Valentin Hegediš
Located in
Package: 2vcard
2vcard is a little perl script that you can use to convert the popular vcard file format. Currently 2vcard can only convert addressbooks and alias files from the following formats: abook,eudora,juno,ldif,mutt, mh and pine.
2vcard je majhen perl skript, ki ga lahko uporabite za pretvorbo priljubljene vrste datotek vcard. Trenutno lahko 2vcard pretvori le imenike in datoteke vzdevkov iz naslednjih vrst: abook, eudora, juno, ldif, mutt, mh in pine.
Translated and reviewed by
Andrej Znidarsic
Located in
Package: 2vcard
The VCARD format is used by gnomecard, for example, which is used by the balsa email client.
Obliko VCARD uporablja na primer program gnomecard, ki ga potrebuje odjemalec e-pošte balsa.
Translated and reviewed by
Bernard Banko
Located in
Package: 2vcard
Common files for IBM 3270 emulators and pr3287
Skupne datoteke za IBM 3270 posnemovalike in pr3287
Translated and reviewed by
Valentin Hegediš
Located in
Package: 3270-common
3270-common contains files referenced in other 3270 packages
3270-common vsebuje datoteke, ki se sklicujejo na druge 3270 pakete
Translated and reviewed by
Valentin Hegediš
Located in
Package: 3270-common
Play chess across 3 boards!
Igrajte šah na 3 šahovnicah!
Translated and reviewed by
Andrej Znidarsic
Located in
Package: 3dchess
There are three boards, stacked vertically; 96 pieces of which most are the traditional chess pieces with just a couple of additions; 26 possible directions in which to move. Provides a challenging enough game to all but the most highly skilled players.
Imate tri navpično zložene šahovnice, 96 figur od katerih je večina običajnih šahovskih figur ter 26 mogočih smeri premikanja. Zagotavlja dovolj zahtevno igro za vse razen najboljše igralce.
Translated and reviewed by
Andrej Znidarsic
Located in
Package: 3dchess
visualisation and analysis for single valued point data
predočenje in analiza enojno vrednotene podatkovne točke
Translated and reviewed by
Valentin Hegediš
Located in
Package: 3depict