Translations by 玉堂白鹤

玉堂白鹤 has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

5152 of 52 results
Activate the Clock applet. Clicking on it will display a calendar. Double-clicking on a day will pop-up a task-editor. Here you can add/remove taks. When a task has been or is going to be scheduled, the applet will warn you (15mn before the event, and also 1 day before in the case of an anniversary).
激活时钟小程序。 点击它将显示一个日历。 双击一天会弹出一个任务编辑器。在这里您可以添加或删除任务。 当一个任务已经或将要被安排时,小程序将向您发出警告 (在事件发生前 15 分钟,如果是周年纪念日,也会在事件发生前 1 天发出警告)。
Multi-purpose Dock and Desklets
多用途 Dock 和桌面小工具