Delete accounting records of documents to be re-created by the next run of the accounting engine. This is a dramatic step and you want to do this ONLY after changes of the accounting structure (e.g. different default accounts, etc.) and if fixing via manual Journal entries is not sensible.
Version: 3.6.0LTS.
Удаление бухг. записей документов для создания их заново при следущем выполнении бухгалтерского сервера. Это драматический шаг и вы хотите это сделать ТОЛЬКО после изменений в структуре бухгалтерии (например, различные счета по умолчанию, и т.д.) и если фиксация записей через ручной журнал не является благоразумной.
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Content of: id-176:Help.
Language Maintenance
Version: 3.6.0LTS.
Применить язык
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Content of: id-179:Name.
Maintain language translation in system
Version: 3.6.0LTS.
(no translation yet)
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Content of: id-179:Description.
You can Add Missing Translation entries (required after activating an additional System Language) - Delete Translation Records - or Re-Create the translation Records (first delete and add missing entries).
Note that Adding the Missing Translation records creates them by copying the System Language (English). You would apply the Language Pack after that process. Run Syncronize Terminology after importing the translation.
Version: 3.6.0LTS.
represents a line break.
Start a new line in the equivalent position in the translation.
(no translation yet)
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Content of: id-179:Help.
Inventory Valuation Report
Version: 3.6.0LTS.
Отчет об инвентаризационных отклонениях
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Content of: id-180:Name,id-180:Description.
Report lists products with their on-hand quantity and values at the valuation date. In addition to several prices, standard costs and an optional other cost element is used to calculate the inventory of the particular warehouse.
Version: 3.6.0LTS.
Отчет списков товаров с их фактическим наличием и значения на дату отклонения.
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Content of: id-180:Help.
Synchronize Column
Version: 3.6.0LTS.
Сихронизировать столбец
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Content of: id-181:Name.
Change database table definition from application dictionary
Version: 3.6.0LTS.
(no translation yet)
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Content of: id-181:Description.
When selected, the database column definition is updated based on your entries in the Column definition of the Application Dictionary. Note that not all changes are supported by the database and may result in an error.
Version: 3.6.0LTS.
(no translation yet)
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Content of: id-181:Help.
Standard Cost Update
Version: 3.6.0LTS.
Обновить стандарт. себестоимость
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Content of: id-182:Name.