Load flat Files into import tables
Version: 3.6.0LTS.
Lädt eine extern erstellte Datei in eine Zwischentabelle
Translated and reviewed by
Etienne Ruedin
Located in
Content of: id-101:Description.
The Import File Loader parses the content of a flat file and loads it into import tables. Comments start with a '[' and end with a ']' and are ignored; example: [Some Heading].
Version: 3.6.0LTS.
Das Import-Datei Ladeprogramm untersucht den Inhalt der Datei und lädt ihn in eine Importtabelle. Kommentare beginnen mit einem '[' und enden mit einem ']' und werden ignoriert. Beispiel [Eine Überschrift].
Translated and reviewed by
Michael Hüttemann
Located in
Content of: id-101:Help.
Initial Client Setup
Version: 3.6.0LTS.
Ersteinrichtung Mandant
Translated by
Michael Hüttemann
Located in
Content of: id-102:Name.
Initial new Client/Tenant Setup
Version: 3.6.0LTS.
Initiale Einrichtung eines neuen Mandanten
Translated and reviewed by
Etienne Ruedin
Located in
Content of: id-102:Description.
Set up a new Client/Tenant of the system
Version: 3.6.0LTS.
Einen neuen Mandanten im System einrichten.
Translated and reviewed by
Michael Hüttemann
Located in
Content of: id-102:Help.
Material Transactions
Version: 3.6.0LTS.
Translated by
Michael Hüttemann
Located in
Content of: id-103:Name,id-103:Description.
Payment Allocation
Version: 3.6.0LTS.
Zahlung zuordnen
Translated and reviewed by
Etienne Ruedin
Located in
Content of: id-104:Name.
Allocate invoices and payments
Version: 3.6.0LTS.
Rechnungen und Zahlungen zuordnen
Translated and reviewed by
Etienne Ruedin
Located in
Content of: id-104:Description.
Generate Charges
Version: 3.6.0LTS.
Gebühren generieren
Translated by
Michael Hüttemann
Reviewed by
Michael Hüttemann
Located in
Content of: id-105:Name.
Generate Charges from natural accounts
Version: 3.6.0LTS.
Gebühren von "natural accounts (?)" generieren
Translated by
Michael Hüttemann
Reviewed by
Michael Hüttemann
Located in
Content of: id-105:Description.