Browsing Basque translation

264273 of 2512 results
Default length for SWF files
(no translation yet)
Located in locale/dbtranslate.php:307
Turn on the auditing information. Warning this will quickly fill up the log
(no translation yet)
Located in locale/dbtranslate.php:308
Should the CMS send anonymous statistics to help improve the software?
CMSak estatistika anonimoak bidali behar al ditu softwarea hobetzen laguntzeko?
Translated and reviewed by Edorta Goikoetxea
Located in cache/68/683636238aff529d5a7b7478118dede4.php:1545
Key used to distinguish each CMS instance. This is generated randomly based on the time you first installed the CMS, and is completely untraceable.
CMS instantzia bakoitza bereizteko erabiltzen den gakoa. Hau ausaz sortzen da CMS lehen aldiz instalatu zenuen denboran oinarrituta, eta erabat ezinezkoa da arakatzea.
Translated and reviewed by Edorta Goikoetxea
Located in cache/68/683636238aff529d5a7b7478118dede4.php:1568
The URL to connect to to PHONE_HOME (if enabled)
PHONE_HOME-ra konektatzeko URLa (gaituta badago)
Translated and reviewed by Edorta Goikoetxea
Located in cache/68/683636238aff529d5a7b7478118dede4.php:1638
The last time we PHONED_HOME in seconds since the epoch
Garai hartatik PHONED_HOME egin genuen azken aldia, segundotan.
Translated and reviewed by Edorta Goikoetxea
Located in cache/68/683636238aff529d5a7b7478118dede4.php:1603
This should only be set if you want to display the maximum allowed error messaging through the user interface. <br /> Useful for capturing critical php errors and environment issues.
Hau bakarrik ezarri behar da baimendutako gehienezko errore-mezuak erabiltzailearen interfazearen bidez bistaratu nahi badituzu. <br /> Baliagarria php akats kritikoak eta ingurumen-arazoak atzemateko.
Translated and reviewed by Edorta Goikoetxea
Located in cache/68/683636238aff529d5a7b7478118dede4.php:3194
Allow the maintenance script to run if it is called?
Deituz gero, utzi mantentze-lanen scripta exekutatzen?
Translated and reviewed by Edorta Goikoetxea
Located in cache/68/683636238aff529d5a7b7478118dede4.php:1935
Global switch for email alerts to be sent
Posta elektronikoz bidaliko diren alerten etengailu globala
Translated and reviewed by Edorta Goikoetxea
Located in cache/68/683636238aff529d5a7b7478118dede4.php:1991
String appended to the maintenance script to prevent malicious calls to the script.
(no translation yet)
Located in cache/aa/aa672901e79598376e18a7528ae5d60e98f0de6cfa4aa314074a17aee092e28c.php:1908
264273 of 2512 results

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Contributors to this translation: Edorta Goikoetxea.