Browsing Italian translation

110 of 34 results
Sorry, you must be logged in to post a comment.
Spiacente, devi eseguire il login per inserire un commento.
Translated and reviewed by and
Spiacente, per inviare un commento devi aver eseguito il login.
Suggested by Milo Casagrande
Located in wp-comments-post.php:71
Error: please enter a valid email address.
Errore: per favore immetti una email corretta.
Translated and reviewed by Paolo Benvenuto
Located in wp-comments-post.php:80
Lost Password
Password perduta
Translated and reviewed by and
Password smarrita
Suggested by Nicolò Ricco
Located in wp-login.php:384
Please enter your information here. We will send you a new password.
Per favore inserisci le tue informazioni qui. Ti invieremo una nuova password.
Translated and reviewed by and
Per favore, inserisci qui le tue informazioni. Ti manderemo una nuova password.
Suggested by SteveAgl
Located in wp-login.php:65
Translated and reviewed by Tiziano Fogliata
Located in wp-includes/general-template.php:336 wp-login.php:403 wp-login.php:480 wp-login.php:615
Your new password is in the mail.
La tua nuova password è nella mail.
Translated and reviewed by Paola Orru
Located in wp-login.php:157
Password Lost and Found
Password persa e trovata
Translated and reviewed by EndelWar
Password smarrita e ritrovata
Suggested by Nicolò Ricco
Located in wp-login.php:485 wp-login.php:616 wp-login.php:618
<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please enter a username.
<strong>ERRORE</strong>: Per favore immetti un nome di utente
Translated and reviewed by Paolo Benvenuto
Located in wp-admin/includes/user.php:133 wp-login.php:282
Registration Currently Disabled
La registrazione attualmente è disabilitata
Translated and reviewed by Tiziano Fogliata
Located in wp-register.php:138
User registration is currently not allowed.
Non è consentita la registrazione di nuovi utenti.
Translated and reviewed by Tiziano Fogliata
La registrazione degli utenti al momento non &egrave; permessa.
Suggested by SteveAgl
Located in wp-login.php:568
110 of 34 results

This translation is managed by translation group wordpress-translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Axel Kuhn, Daniele Costarella, Daniele de Virgilio, Devid Antonio Filoni, Diego Giordano, EndelWar, Giulio Rossetti, Gualtiero Catrame, HdS619, Hesediel Delay, Lorenzo Sfarra, Marcello Semboli, Matteo Ferrabone, Michele Chiarabelli, Milo Casagrande, Nicola Piovesan, Nicolò Ricco, Paola Orru, Paolo Benvenuto, Paolo Massa, Riccardo Vianello, Simone Ruffilli, Stefano Zampella, SteveAgl, SystemFAILURE BioHazard, Tiziano Fogliata, Uncino, and, bolas, ed0t, missmalaussene, pasqoo,