Translations by Marius Loots
Marius Loots has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
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37. |
<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please enter a username.
2008-05-07 |
<strong>FOUT</strong>: Gee asseblief 'n gebruikersnaam.
40. |
<strong>ERROR</strong>: This username is already registered, please choose another one.
2008-05-07 |
<strong>FOUT</strong>: Hierdie gebruikersnaam is reeds in gebruik, kies asseblief iets anders.
122. |
Visit author homepage
2008-05-07 |
Besoek outeur se tuisblad
191. |
2008-05-07 |
193. |
2008-05-07 |
194. |
2008-05-07 |
201. |
2008-05-07 |
203. |
- Select -
2008-05-07 |
- Kies -
205. |
Add Custom Field »
2008-05-07 |
Voeg Aanpassingsveld By »
210. |
Sorry, can’t edit files with ".." in the name. If you are trying to edit a file in your WordPress home directory, you can just type the name of the file in.
2008-05-07 |
Jammer, kan nie dokumente met ".." in die naam wysig nie. As jy 'n dokument in jou WordPress tuislys probeer wysig, kan jy eenvoudig die naam van die dokument gee.
211. |
Sorry, can’t call files with their real path.
2008-05-07 |
Jammer, kan nie dokumente met hul werklike pad oproep nie.
212. |
Sorry, that file cannot be edited.
2008-05-07 |
Jammer, daardie dokument kan nie gewysig word nie.
215. |
Comments Template
2008-05-07 |
Kommentaar Templaat
216. |
Popup Comments Template
2008-05-07 |
Opwip Kommentaar Templaat
221. |
Category Template
2008-05-07 |
Kategorie Templaat
222. |
Page Template
2008-05-07 |
Bladsy templaat
225. |
404 Template
2008-05-07 |
404 Templaat
257. |
2008-05-07 |
744. |
You are not allowed to edit comments on this post, so you cannot edit this comment.
2008-05-07 |
Jy mag nie kommentaar op hierdie bydrae wysig nie, so jy kan nie hierdie kommentaar wysig nie.