Translations by Chris Mostert
Chris Mostert has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.
1 → 11 of 11 results | First • Previous • Next • Last |
8. |
2005-10-15 |
17. |
Username: %s
2005-10-15 |
Gebruikersnaam: %s
37. |
<strong>ERROR</strong>: Please enter a username.
2005-10-15 |
<strong>FOUT</strong>: Tik asb. n gebruikersnaam in.
40. |
<strong>ERROR</strong>: This username is already registered, please choose another one.
2005-10-15 |
<strong>FOUT</strong>: Hierdie gebruikersnaam is reeds geregistreerd, kies asb. n ander een.
42. |
[%s] Your username and password
2005-10-15 |
[%s] U gebruikersnaam en wagwoord
43. |
New user registration on your blog %s:
2005-10-15 |
Nuwe gebruikersregistrasie op U blog %s:
46. |
Registration Complete
2005-10-15 |
Registrasie Voltooid
47. |
emailed to you
2005-10-15 |
ge-epos na U
52. |
2005-10-15 |
68. |
connection not established
2005-10-15 |
konneksie nie bestatig nie
76. |
2005-10-15 |