Translations by Flames_in_Paradise

Flames_in_Paradise has submitted the following strings to this translation. Contributions are visually coded: currently used translations, unreviewed suggestions, rejected suggestions.

12 of 2 results
Thank you for choosing Kubuntu 16.04. We hope you enjoy the experience.
Dėkojame, kad pasirinkote Kubuntu 16.10. Tikimės, kad jūs mėgausitės patyrimais.
We want Kubuntu to work for you. So while your software is installing, this slideshow will introduce you to Kubuntu 16.04.
Mes norime, kad Kubuntu dirbtų jums. Taigi, kol jūsų programinė įranga yra įdiegiama, ši pateiktis pristatys jums Kubuntu 16.10 ...