Please insert %1 into <filename>%2</filename>
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Ju lutemi të vendosni %1 në <filename>%2</filename>
Translated and reviewed by
Vilson Gjeci
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Warning - Unverified Software
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Kujdes - Program i pa Verifikuar
Translated and reviewed by
Vilson Gjeci
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The following piece of software cannot be verified. <warning>Installing unverified software represents a security risk, as the presence of unverifiable software can be a sign of tampering.</warning> Do you wish to continue?
The following pieces of software cannot be verified. <warning>Installing unverified software represents a security risk, as the presence of unverifiable software can be a sign of tampering.</warning> Do you wish to continue?
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Pjesa e programit që vijon nuk mund të verifikohet. <warning>Instalimi i programeve të pa verifikuara përfaqëson një rrezik sigurie, sepse prania e programeve të paverifikuara mund të jetë shenjë e ndërhyrjeve.</warning> Dëshironi të vazhdoni?
Translated and reviewed by
Vilson Gjeci
Pjesët e programit që vijon nuk mund të verifikohen. <warning>Instalimi i programeve të pa verifikuara përfaqëson një rrezik sigurie, sepse prania e programeve të paverifikuara mund të jetë shenjë e ndërhyrjeve.</warning> Dëshironi të vazhdoni?
Translated and reviewed by
Vilson Gjeci
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Configuration File Changed
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Skedari i Konfigurimit Ndryshoi
Translated and reviewed by
Vilson Gjeci
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A new version of the configuration file <filename>%1</filename> is available, but your version has been modified. Would you like to keep your current version or install the new version?
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@label Notifies a config file change
(no translation yet)
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Use New Version
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@action Use the new config file
Përdor Versionin e Ri
Translated and reviewed by
Vilson Gjeci
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Keep Old Version
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@action Keep the old config file
Mba Versionin e Vjetër
Translated and reviewed by
Vilson Gjeci
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