An error occurred while applying changes:
Context: |
Ndodhi një gabim gjatë aplikimit të ndryshimeve:
Translated and reviewed by
Vilson Gjeci
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This operation cannot continue since proper authorization was not provided
Context: |
Ky veprim nuk mund të vazhdojë përderisa nuk është dhënë autorizimi i duhur
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Vilson Gjeci
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It appears that the QApt worker has either crashed or disappeared. Please report a bug to the QApt maintainers
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Duket se punëtori i QApt u mbyll apo u zhduk. Ju lutemi të raportoni gabimin tek mirëmbajtësit e QApt
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Vilson Gjeci
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The following package has not been verified by its author. Downloading untrusted packages has been disallowed by your current configuration.
The following packages have not been verified by their authors. Downloading untrusted packages has been disallowed by your current configuration.
Context: |
Paketa që vijon nuk është verifikuar nga autori i saj. Shkarkimi i paketave të pa verifikuara nuk lejohet nga konfigurimi i sistemit që ju keni.
Translated and reviewed by
Vilson Gjeci
Paketat që vijonë nuk janë verifikuar nga autorët e tyre. Shkarkimi i paketave të pa verifikuara nuk lejohet nga konfigurimi i sistemit që ju keni.
Translated and reviewed by
Vilson Gjeci
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The package "%1" has not been found among your software sources. Therefore, it cannot be installed.
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represents a space character.
Enter a space in the equivalent position in the translation.
Paketa "%1" nuk u gjet mes burimeve tuaja të programeve. Ndaj, ajo nuk mund të instalohet.
Translated and reviewed by
Vilson Gjeci
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Media Change Required
Context: |
Kërkohet Ndryshimi i Medias
Translated and reviewed by
Vilson Gjeci
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Please insert %1 into <filename>%2</filename>
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Ju lutemi të vendosni %1 në <filename>%2</filename>
Translated and reviewed by
Vilson Gjeci
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Warning - Unverified Software
Context: |
Kujdes - Program i pa Verifikuar
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Vilson Gjeci
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The following piece of software cannot be verified. <warning>Installing unverified software represents a security risk, as the presence of unverifiable software can be a sign of tampering.</warning> Do you wish to continue?
The following pieces of software cannot be verified. <warning>Installing unverified software represents a security risk, as the presence of unverifiable software can be a sign of tampering.</warning> Do you wish to continue?
Context: |
Pjesa e programit që vijon nuk mund të verifikohet. <warning>Instalimi i programeve të pa verifikuara përfaqëson një rrezik sigurie, sepse prania e programeve të paverifikuara mund të jetë shenjë e ndërhyrjeve.</warning> Dëshironi të vazhdoni?
Translated and reviewed by
Vilson Gjeci
Pjesët e programit që vijon nuk mund të verifikohen. <warning>Instalimi i programeve të pa verifikuara përfaqëson një rrezik sigurie, sepse prania e programeve të paverifikuara mund të jetë shenjë e ndërhyrjeve.</warning> Dëshironi të vazhdoni?
Translated and reviewed by
Vilson Gjeci
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Configuration File Changed
Context: |
Skedari i Konfigurimit Ndryshoi
Translated and reviewed by
Vilson Gjeci
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