Browsing Belarusian translation

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13 of 3 results
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Type: text
Выберыце раскладку клавіятуры.
Translated and reviewed by Soltan Dzmitry
In upstream:
Абярыце раскладку клавіятуры.
Suggested by Siamion Šachalevič
Located in ../ubiquity.templates:19001
Good password
Type: text
Type: text
Добры пароль
Translated and reviewed by Iryna Nikanchuk
In upstream:
Надзейны пароль
Suggested by Soltan Dzmitry
Located in ../ubiquity.templates:48001 ../ubiquity.templates:347001
Configuring network...
Type: text
Канфігураванне сеткі...
Translated by meequz
In upstream:
Настáўленне сеткі...
Suggested by meequz
Located in ../ubiquity.templates:133001
13 of 3 results

This translation is managed by Ubuntu Belarusian Translators, assigned by Ubuntu Translators.

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Contributors to this translation: Aleh, Alex Nehaichik, Aliaksandr Trush, Iryna Nikanchuk, Maksim Tomkowicz, Mikhail_SaTuRn, Mikola Tsekhan, Sergei Chernooki, Siamion Šachalevič, Soltan Dzmitry, Stas Solovey, Ubuntu Belarusian Translators Team, Vitaly Danilovich, XiveZ, meequz.